[pypy-dev] Flow problems

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Thu Feb 3 01:52:13 CET 2005

Hi Armin,

I tried to generate old-style classes interp-level.
First problem:
flow space has no w_dict.
Well, I did a surrogate.
As a follow-up, augmented flow-space  barfed at
unpackiterable without explicit length.
I tried harder and undefined flow's unpackiterable.
Furthermore, I had to add w_TypeError.
This both was for sure bad, since now default's unpackiterable
was in place, and in turn, flow tried to unwrap a non-
-constant, causing
   File "D:\pypy\dist\pypy\objspace\flow\objspace.py", line 128, in unwrap
     raise UnwrapException

So, in a way, the things I'm doing do not make sense.
In a way, using flow for app2interp, poses extra demands
on flow for which it was not designed.
The question is, how hard is it to really add var-keywords
for this case?
It is necessary, and I would love to add it, but I don' understand
what goes wrong, here.

Thanks for advice -- chris
Christian Tismer             :^)   <mailto:tismer at stackless.com>
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