[pypy-dev] pirate list

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Tue Jul 12 18:20:09 CEST 2005

Hi Michal,

On Sun, Jun 12, 2005 at 11:15:30PM -0400, Michal Wallace wrote:
> Pirate is written in python and currently
> uses the standard compiler package. However,
> as parrot supports native types, I would like
> to refactor it so that it can also work with
> PyPy's type annotation system (and possibly 
> integrate with pypy in other ways)

Interesting, though by no means easy :-)  PyPy's type annotation system
is not designed at the moment to handle random user code.  It can only
handle carefully controlled code.  From there to a general type
annotator for Python, the gap is still large.

I may be too deeply buried in the current development work, but at the
moment it seems to me that the immediate contribution that PyPy could
make to Python-over-Parrot could be different: we could provide the
built-in types implementation and standard library modules, which is the
necessary complement to the bytecode compiler.  Indeed, by tweaking the
C code generator, the "standard object space" and the modules could be
compiled from PyPy sources to some C code that follows the conventions
of Parrot.

A bientot,


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