[pypy-dev] Test failures

Christian Tismer tismer at stackless.com
Sat Oct 8 12:58:56 CEST 2005

Ben.Young at risk.sungard.com wrote:

> Hi Everyone,
> Here's the current windows test results. Only 2 failures, with nothing too 
> important it seems!

Yes, I know them both, but thanks for reminding!

The first one is probably releated to some execnet problem.

The second one is quite bad. It was introduced when I added the
exact math compiler flag (I think it is /Op).
This addition made in fact computations much more comparable
to CPython's (although CPython doesn't use the flag, but
they use function pointers for most library math functions
which seems to have the same effect).
The negative effect was that now our "infinite" formula 1e200*1e200
does no longer produce #inf, but the exponent seems to wrap
around in some way and we get an infinity at almost zero :-)

I'm still not sure about what to do about this case.
Proposals are very welcome!

ciao - chris

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