[pypy-dev] Upcoming Iceland sprint: 21-28 May

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Tue Apr 18 10:44:30 CEST 2006

Hi folks, 

We're pleased to announce the next PyPy sprint in Iceland from 21st
(arrival) to 28th (depature) of May 2006.  This sprint is kindly hosted
and sponsored by EWT and CCPgames and thus we should be able to arrange
funding for travels and accomodation for interested people.  There are
also non-PyPy activities going on -- see the full `EWT announcement`_
and people such as Tim Peters and other python-dev core developers plan
to attend.  If you'd like to help and join PyPy hacking around some
geysers (actually we are meeting in Reykjavik, but well :), please mail
us, preferrably on the `pypy-sprint mailing list`_.  Please state your
interest *until end this week* (friday 21st) to help the organizers
plan for the sprint.

The sprint goals for PyPy are, as usual, kept open to the interest of
the participants, especially more so that there will be many non-PyPy
people at the sprint to talk to.  However, it is also likely that we
will have to keep some focus on the goals of the upcoming June 0.9

* The extension module compiler.  The goal is to be able to use a single
  RPython source code as an extension module for both PyPy and CPython.
  The means to get there is -- most likely -- by compiling ctypes-based
  modules into either pypy-c or a CPython dll/so.

* Write some more modules in this style with ctypes.  Sockets come to
  mind :-)

* Stackless: the big missing feature is pickling running tasklets.
  There is also some smaller work that needs to be done, like exposing
  all the existing RPython-level interfaces to app-level
  (e.g. greenlets).

* Write more documentation.

* Misc topics, depending on interests: back-ends (CLI, Squeak), testing
  framework, modified semantics (security/sandboxing...), etc.

A bientot, 

    Armin + Holger 

.. _`EWT announcement`: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-announce-list/2006-April/004849.html
.. _`pypy-sprint mailing list`: http://codespeak.net/mailman/listinfo/pypy-sprint

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