[pypy-dev] What parts of the sys modules does PyPy implement?

Brett Cannon brett at python.org
Wed Apr 9 00:51:58 CEST 2008

A discussion of what parts of the sys module various VMs should be
expected to implement has come up on python-dev. I am hoping someone
here can let me know what PyPy currently implements.

 - argv
 - byteorder
 - path, path_hooks, meta_path, path_importer_cache, and modules
 - copyright, hexversion, version, and version_info
 - displayhook, __displayhook__
 - excepthook, __excepthook__, exc_info, and exc_clear
 - exec_prefix and prefix
 - executable
 - exit
 - flags, py3kwarning, dont_write_bytecode, and warn_options
 - getfilesystemencoding
 - get/setprofile
 - get/settrace, call_tracing
 - getwindowsversion
 - maxint and maxunicode
 - platform
 - ps1 and ps2
 - stdin, stderr, stdout, __stdin__, __stderr__, __stdout__
 - tracebacklimit
 - get/setrecursionlimit
 - get/setcheckinterval
 - _getframe and _current_frame
 - getrefcount
 - get/setdlopenflags
 - settscdumps
 - api_version
 - winver
 - dllhandle
 - float_info
 - _compact_freelists
 - _clear_type_cache
 - subversion
 - builtin_module_names
 - callstats
 - intern


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