[pypy-dev] New speed.pypy.org version

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Fri Jun 25 17:42:13 CEST 2010

On Fri, Jun 25, 2010 at 5:08 AM, Miquel Torres <tobami at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hi all!,
> I want to announce a new version of the benchmarks site speed.pypy.org.
> After about 6 months, it finally shows the vision I had for such a website:
> usefull for pypy developers but also for the general public following pypy's
> or even other python implementation's development. On to the changes.
> There are now three views: "Changes", "Timeline" and "Comparison":
> The Overview was renamed to Changes, and its inline plot bars got removed
> because you can get the exact same plot in the Comparison view now (and then
> some).
> The Timeline got selectable baseline and "humanized" date labels for the x
> axis.
> The new Comparison view allows, well, comparing of "competing" interpreters,
> which will also be of interest to the wider Python community (specially if
> we can add unladen, ironpython and JPython results).
> Two examples of interesting comparisons are:
> - relative bars
> (http://speed.pypy.org/comparison/?bas=2%2B35&chart=relative+bars): here we
> see that the jit is faster than psyco in all cases except spambayes and
> slowspitfire, were the jit cannot make up for pypy-c's abismal performance.
> Interestingly, in the only other case where the jit is slower than cpython,
> the ai benchmark, psyco performs even worse.
> - stacked bars
> horizontal(http://speed.pypy.org/comparison/?hor=true&bas=2%2B35&chart=stacked+bars):
> This is not meant to "demonstrate" that overall the jit is over two times
> faster than cpython. It is just another way for a developer to picture how
> long a programme would take to complete if it were composed of 21 such
> tasks. You can see that cpython's (the normalization chosen) benchmarks all
> take 1"relative" second. pypy-c needs more or less the same time, some
> "tasks" being slower and some faster. Psyco shows an interesting picture:
> From meteor-contest downwards (fortuitously) , all benchmarks are extremely
> "compressed", which means they are speeded up by psyco quite a lot. But any
> further speed up wouldn't make overall time much shorter because the first
> group of benchmarks now takes most of the time to complete. pypy-c-jit is a
> more extreme case of this: If the jit accelerated all "fast" benchmarks to 0
> seconds (infinitely fast), it would only get about twice as fast as now
> because ai, slowspitfire, spambayes and twisted_tcp now need half the entire
> execution time. An good demonstration of "you are only as fast as your
> slowest part". Of course the aggregate of all benchmarks is not a real app,
> but it is still fun.
> I hope you find the new version useful, and as always any feedback is
> welcome.
> Cheers!
> Miquel

Wow, I really like it, great job.

Can we see how we can use this features for branches?


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