[pypy-dev] Thoughts on multithreading in PyPy

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Apr 10 21:44:40 CEST 2011


On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 1:33 PM,  <pypy at pocketnix.org> wrote:
> What i am wondering about is if some of the base services provided by
> pypy can be moved into another thread, eg GC and JIT compilation and
> how much of a benfiit there would be to doing so

It would be possible to move the GC or the JIT to another thread,
introducing a lot of complexity but keeping it hidden to the Python
programmer.  You would end up with a program that can use maybe 1.2
core instead of just 1.  That sounds like a lot of work for a minimal

A bientôt,


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