[pypy-dev] project infrastructure issues

pypy at pocketnix.org pypy at pocketnix.org
Mon Apr 18 13:44:13 CEST 2011

On Thu, Apr 14, 2011 at 05:47:39PM +0000, holger krekel wrote:
> Hey all,
> now that pypy's codespeak subversion usage is basically gone i'd like to
> push for remaining issues related to the pypy infrastructure:
> - apache/website
> - buildbot/master
> - roundup/issue tracker
> - mailman/mailing lists pypy-dev/commits/z
> Which of them shall we try to move elsewhere?
> My preliminary suggestion:
> - website -> readthedocs? or other site
> - buildbot -> python.org? or other site
> - issue tracker -> bitbucket issue tracker
> - mailing lists -> google groups or python.org or other site
> The "other site" could be a host that i anyway
> need to have for remaining codespeak and merlinux stuff
> and which thus is somewhat guaranteed to work 
> mail- and otherwise.  Other people could get admin
> access as well, of course.


I dont mind hosting the website and mailing lists and would be more 
than willing to grab a cheap dedicated box or vps somewhere to do so. 
i already manage a number of boxes for my own private use and adding 
another wont be much more work

i should be able to provide some build slaves without issue. these 
would be on a home dsl plan and may be down for a day or two per year. 
that said i can easily cache the output on a publicly available 

KVM or linux containers are avalible on the host and i was planning to 
run at least ubuntu and fedora as build slaves in a container with $GB 
of ram allocated to them (64bit) ssh access would be avalible.

at the very least i am willing to put in some admin time for the pypy 
project. if there is alternate hardware avalible and you just need 
someone to man them or set them up let me know

* with Apache is this a standard cgi setup or a wsgi or mod_python setup 
for any dynamic parts of the site

* if there are any other oddities or special setups let me know

- Da_Blitz

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