[pypy-dev] PyPy, C/C++ and Wrappyr

Vincent den Boer vincent at shishkabab.net
Mon Aug 15 20:02:51 CEST 2011

Hello Wim,

> hmm; I can't say that has been a problem for us (if I understand things
> correctly). If it's not too much work (since you already departed from
> gccxml), do you have an explicit class that exhibits the problem?

b2World from Box2D/Dynamics/b2World.h has the problem. I exported the header file 
using this command:
gccxml -o box2d_gccxml.xml /usr/local/include/Box2D/Box2D.h

> I don't see those as differences per se: cppyy works with C as well, of
> course, and the CPython implementation is already available (albeit
> packaged in the ROOT class library we use here in HEP and several other
> places, but ROOT is part of a handful of Linux distro's already, so it's
> not too hard to get, and it is supposed to move to llvm by the Summer of
> next year as well).

Then I think it is useful to compare cppyy and Wrappyr. It'd be unfortunate if 
the two projects really have exactly the same goals and usa cases, because it'd 
mean that while I have learned from this project, I've just written a lot of 
obsolete code ;). Where can I find documentation of cppyy? Google doesn't reveal 
anything useful to me.

Kind regards,

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