[pypy-dev] python 3

Miquel Torres tobami at googlemail.com
Wed Aug 17 20:30:34 CEST 2011

> This would remain as a branch for the foreseeable future though,
> because we still need a Python 2 interpreter, if only to run our own
> translation toolchain on (and not suffer the 2.5x slow-down of running
> it on CPython 2.x).
I don't quite follow. Switching to Python 3 (I am not saying that
would be a good idea, just clarifying) and release as, let's say, PyPy
2.0, doesn't mean that the impending 1.6 release would go away. Python
3 users would use PyPy 2.0+, while users of Python 2.7 would use PyPy
1.6. You would still be able to compile PyPy and its Python 2.7
toolchain with PyPy 1.6, thus getting the 2.5x speed up.

Python 2.7 users would only miss on newer, faster PyPy releases, which
is not the black and white picture some where describing. The only
condition needed for this scenario to come about are continued
availability of PyPy 1.6 packages and important bug fixes.

That said, 1.6 is probably not the right point for Python 2.x
end-of-line, but maybe after 1.7 things will look differently...


2011/8/17 Brian Bouterse <bmbouter at gmail.com>:
> I'm assuming it was a joke.
> A huge amount of people today and likely over the next few years will
> continue to rely on python 2.x where x (6,7).  Let's not downplay the
> importance of PyPy supporting those communities.  I agree with you
> Jean-Paul, Python 2 support in PyPy harms nothing.
> Brian
> On Wed, Aug 17, 2011 at 9:04 AM, <exarkun at twistedmatrix.com> wrote:
>> On 02:54 am, yselivanov.ml at gmail.com wrote:
>>> Yes, but that is kind of a weak argument, since the situation with python
>>> 3 changes quickly.  More and more libraries are being ported each month.
>>>  Supporting python 2 obviously just harms the python ecosystem, as nobody
>>> interested in having two languages ;)
>> I don't understand what the wink is for.  Hopefully it means that's just a
>> joke?  Because that's what it sounds like - support for Python 2 in PyPy
>> harms nothing.
>> Jean-Paul
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> Brian Bouterse
> ITng Services
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