[pypy-dev] status of scheme implementation

Juergen Boemmels boemmels at web.de
Sun Aug 21 15:15:43 CEST 2011


I just found the scheme implementation
but there is no history besides the initial import.

Is this maintained? I.e. is it usful to send patches for improving this? And is this the right mailing list for asking
questions about lang-scheme?

Anyway, I played a little with it and found one annoyance: The translated parser does not report the position
of the parse error. There was something prepared, but commented out (I think because it didn't translate).
By adding an assertion to
I was able to get scheme translated including the error location. This greatly simplifies debugging ;-)

I attached the two patches (one to pypy/pypy and one to pypy/lang-scheme)

Any comments
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