[pypy-dev] Sandboxing questions

VanL van.lindberg at gmail.com
Sat Jul 16 00:32:34 CEST 2011

On 7/15/2011 2:31 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski wrote:
> I know, this is kind of hand-waving what has to be done, I would
> probably start with having two interpreters in one executable,
> probably by having two object spaces.
> Cheers,
> fijal
> And if I may ask, what are you trying to achieve?

Two (or more) interpreters in one executable. :)

I was recently pondering the recent announcement by Armin that he thinks 
STM is the way to kill the GIL. I don't think the problem is the GIL; I 
think the problem is that we have only one.

I think that a better (read: closer term, and more likely to be 
performant) answer is to create multiple interpreters, *each with their 
own GIL, each in their own thread,* and connect them via channels 
(essentially a pair of queues).

I already knew about multiple object spaces and PyPy's sandboxing; I 
thought this would be the easiest way to play with that idea.

Note that this is not Erlang-style processes - this is closer to 
appdomains (from .net), although the communications is inspired by 

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