[pypy-dev] Potential PyPy incompatibility

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sat May 14 11:28:22 CEST 2011


On Fri, May 13, 2011 at 8:44 PM, cool-RR <cool-rr at cool-rr.com> wrote:
> In the case of Django signal handlers it would probably not be a problem in
> practice, but in other systems it might become a problem so if it can be
> fixed early (e.g. by making `list.__add__ is list.__add__` True in Pypy as
> it is in CPython) it might save us some trouble later.

That's not possible.  PyPy uses regular unbound methods for
'str.join', so like with any unbound method, 'x.m is x.m' is false.
It's an irregularity of CPython that we already discussed here some
time ago.

A bientôt,


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