[pypy-dev] new bugs.pypy.org / ssl warning

holger krekel holger at merlinux.eu
Mon May 16 15:35:42 CEST 2011

Hi all,

the pypy issue tracker has moved from the good old codespeak host to a
new one. If you go to one of the old URLs you should be transparently
redirected to


You should be able to use your original login, however please note:

- if you used your codespeak credentials and don'T know your
  actual roundup password you may need to trigger a password reset
  via "Lost your Login?"

- you'll get an SSL warning because we use a self-signed
  certificate (the IP is shared with some other domains).  FYI
  the cert is from "merlinux" and has this SHA1 Fingerprint:

- The tracker email address is now tracker at bugs.pypy.org in case
  you are using filters.

- there maybe some more problems lurking, please report here or to
  me privately.

many thanks to Ronny Pfannschmidt who majorly helped with the
migration of the pypy tracker.  It is now running on roundup-1.4 instead
of an ancient version.  This is good preparation for when we potentially/
eventually move to python.org / PSF infrastructure. For now, the
tracker remains hosted courtesy of my little company http://merlinux.eu.


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