[pypy-dev] Pull requests and other stuff from bitbucket

Antonio Cuni anto.cuni at gmail.com
Mon May 30 20:38:46 CEST 2011

On 30/05/11 20:04, Armin Rigo wrote:
> Hi all, hi Anto,
> On Bitbucket, the user PyPy has still an e-mail address that goes only
> to Antonio.  It's used at least by the pull requests and fork
> notifications.  It seems that we'd like to see them more widely.
> Antonio, would it make sense to change that address to arrive to the
> pypy-commit list?

Yes, I confirm that I receive pull/fork notifications and yes, I'd like that
other people would be able to receive them.

However, changing the address to pypy-dev or pypy-commit does not work,
because someone could request a password reset and the corresponding email
will be publicly visible.

I opened an issue at bitbucket specifically for this:

In the mean time, we could maybe change the address to pypy-z: still not
perfect, but at least more people would see the notifications.  What do you think?


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