[pypy-dev] Benchmarking PyPy performance on real-world Django app

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Sat Oct 8 00:50:47 CEST 2011

On Sat, Oct 8, 2011 at 12:48 AM, Andy <angelflow at yahoo.com> wrote:
> 15 times more memory? That's a lot.
> Interestingly Quora reported that their PyPy processes were only 50% larger
> than CPython ones:
> http://www.quora.com/Quora-Infrastructure/Did-Quoras-switch-to-PyPy-result-in-increased-memory-consumption
> "our PyPy worker processes themselves take approximately 50% more memory
> than our equivalent CPython worker processes, although we did not do a large
> amount of tuning of the GC. Regardless, this wasn't the main cause of our
> memory blowup.
> "In our development, we found that certain functions were not worth being
> ported from their C libraries to pure Python, things like
> crypto
> ,
> lxml
> ,
> PyML
> , and a couple other random libraries. Our solution for those functions was
> to run a parallel CPython process that would do nothing but take arguments
> via an
> execnet
> channel, and output return values via the same
> execnet
>  channel.
> "The overhead for some of these Python processes, especially for the ones
> that required a lot of state (for example,
> PyML
> ) is comparable to the amount of memory taken by the master PyPy process,
> effectively causing a 2-3x blowup in memory just to maintain the CPython
> processes; this is our main memory sink for our PyPy branch."
> ----
> I wonder what accounts for this large difference in PyPy memory consumption
> (50% more vs. 1,400% more). What type of "large amount of tuning of the GC"
> did Quora do?

I think this is a bug, but also different stack was used right?
Indeed, pypy should not use much more than 2x of CPython usage, I
would like to give it a go if you can come up with a small
reproducible example.


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