[pypy-dev] Donation websites

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Thu Oct 13 17:48:38 CEST 2011

On Thu, Oct 13, 2011 at 4:56 PM, Massa, Harald Armin <chef at ghum.de> wrote:
> I am very happy to finally see an amount-feedback with numbers and
> bars for py3k on the website ! Thank you so much!
> Could that also happen for the numpy-funding? As much as I know, 1200
> british pounds have allready been pledged, which shall be 1880 USD...
> Best wishes,
> Harald

Hi Harald.

I only update numbers when they arrive on the account and current
process makes it possible to do roughly weekly, hence don't expect
anything in the next 7 days. It's possible to do otherwise, but it's
however work and unless someone steps up, it's not gonna happen.


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