[pypy-dev] Questions on the pypy+numpy project

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Tue Oct 18 11:20:04 CEST 2011

On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 10:18 PM, David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 8:40 PM, Maciej Fijalkowski <fijall at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 7:20 PM, David Cournapeau <cournape at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 2:22 PM, Michael Foord <fuzzyman at gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Travis' post seems to suggest that it is the responsibility of the *pypy*
>>>> dev team to do the work necessary to integrate the numpy refactor (initially
>>>> sponsored by Microsoft). That refactoring (smaller numpy core) seems like a
>>>> great way forward for numpy - particularly if *it* wants to play well with
>>>> multiple implementations, but it is unreasonable to expect the pypy team to
>>>> pick that up!
>>> I am pretty sure Travis did not intend to suggest that (I did not
>>> understand that from his wordings, but maybe that's because we had
>>> discussion in person on that topic several times already).
>>> There are a lot of reasons to do that refactor that has nothing to do
>>> with pypy, so the idea is more: let's talk about what pypy would need
>>> to make this refactor beneficial for pypy *as well*. I (and other)
>>> have advocated using more cython inside numpy and scipy. We could
>>> share resources to do that.
>> I think alex's question was whether the refactoring is going to be
>> merged upstream or not (and what's the plan).
> I don't know if the refactoring will be merged as is, but at least I
> think the refactoring needs to happen, independently of pypy. There is
> no denying that parts of numpy's code are crufty, some stuff not
> clearly separated, etc...
>> I don't think you understand our point.
> I really do. I understand that pypy is a much better platform than
> cpython to do lazy evalution, fast pure python ufunc. Nobody denies
> that. To be even clearer: if the goal is to have some concept of array
> which looks like numpy, then yes, using numpy's code is useless.
>> Reusing the current numpy
>> implementation is not giving us much *even* if it was all Cython and
>> no C API.
> This seems to be the source of the disagreement: I think reusing numpy
> means that you are much more likely to be able to run the existing
> scripts using numpy on top of pypy. So my question is whether the
> disagreement is on the value of that, or whether pypy community
> generally thinks they can rewrite a "numpypy" which is a drop-in
> replacement of numpy on cpython without using original numpy's code.


Reusing numpy is maybe more likely to run the existing code indeed,
but we'll take care to be compatible (same with Python as a language

Reusing the CPython C API parts of numpy however does mean that we
nullify all the good parts of pypy - this is entirely pointless from
my perspective. I can't see how you can get both JIT running nicely
and reuse most of numpy. You have to sacrifice something and I would
be willing to sacrifice code reuse.

Indeed you would end up with two numpy implementations but it's not
like numpy is changing that much after all. We can provide a cython or
some sort of API to integrate with the existing legacy code later, but
the point stays - I can't see the plan of using cool parts of pypy and
numpy together. This is the question of what is harder - writing a
reasonable JIT or writing numpy. I would say numpy and you guys seems
to say JIT.


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