[pypy-dev] PyCON Finland has just announced its opening

Laura Creighton lac at openend.se
Sat Sep 3 14:31:10 CEST 2011

In a message of Sat, 03 Sep 2011 13:53:26 +0200, Armin Rigo writes:
>Hi Laura,
>On Fri, Sep 2, 2011 at 4:31 PM, Laura Creighton <lac at openend.se> wrote:
>> It's not that far away for some of us, Finland is beautiful, and they
>> still have space for talks and sprints.
>I appreciate the "bait" factor in this message :-)  But as
>importantly, I think that you should tell this list about planning to
>organize a sprint in Göteborg around this time, so that we can check
>with interested people if the dates seem to work.

>A bientôt,

Ok, let's have a sprint in Göteborg around this time.  Also of interest
is FSCons: http://fscons.org/  Nov 11-13 who already have been promised
a talk by somebody from PyPy.  So a reasonable thing to do is to
Finland for Oct 17-18, and have a sprint sometime in between.  A tricky
bit is that we need to be available for an interview with Vinnova in 
Stockholm on the 24th or the 28th of October.  I don't know how much
notice they will give us -- so my tentative plan is to start a sprint 
in Göteborg in the first week of November.  Is this good for other people?
Would others like a different start or end time, or ...


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