[pypy-dev] PyPy as part of a larger, bundled project?

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Thu Apr 12 09:12:39 CEST 2012

Leo Trottier, 12.04.2012 09:08:
> My hope is that someone who is already familiar with the PyPy build process
> and various compatibility quirks might be able to both quickly determine
> whether there would be build compatibility as well as, perhaps, succeeding
> in actually building it. When I fail to build something against PyPy, it's
> less obvious to me than to many of the people here whether the failure can
> be easily resolved by the use of cpyext or some other sophisticated,
> PyPy-specicific hack.
> My hope and suspicion, here, is that this kind of task is one that benefits
> significantly from experience with the subtleties of PyPy interoperability,
> rather than mere cleverness or a more general familiarity with software
> development. I.e., that this is a challenge that might be on the one hand
> quite straightforward (if a little tedious) to some, while perhaps nearly
> impossible to many others.

Seems to answer the question why it's not more commonly done.


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