[pypy-dev] Dependence Graphs in Pypy?

William ML Leslie william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 06:29:03 CEST 2012

On 09/08/2012, Tim Henderson <tim.tadh at gmail.com> wrote:
> Fortunately, I don't need a complete call graph. To get started I really
> only need procedure level dependency graphs (with control and
> data-dependencies). This graph is essentially a CFG with extra edges for
> different types of data dependencies. Thanks to Alex's previous reply I am
> taking a look at the CPython bytecode compiler to see if I can extract the
> local CFG's it produces.

Although pypy's own compiler creates a block structure and allows you
to do post-order traversal of the blocks, I've found the easiest way
to get the CFG of a single code object to be to use the logic found
within the dis module.  Here's an example of some old code that does
that, somewhat stripped down and provided without tests I'm afraid
because I kind of got bored of it.  It's slightly more involved than
dis.findlabels, part of a large piece of nonsense for deriving
dataflow equations from python at app-level.


Functions OP_FN are not hard to specify but I've got them intermingled
with other, much more complicated code here, they use the
EffectContext to store the residual behaviour.  Stack depth is
completely statically determinable, and in 2.5 or later, it's
determinable without looking at other code objects.

I think other people have managed to do this, by the way - I have the
vague recollection that Prof. Yanhong Liu at Stony Brook wrote a tool
to extract datalog facts from python, although with hand-coded flow
for built-ins; if you're only interested in intraprocedural analysis
(often next-to-useless in python) I guess that would be fine.  But I
can't seem to find that, now.

William Leslie

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