[pypy-dev] Invitation to participate in SIAM CS&E Minisymposium

Maciej Fijalkowski fijall at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 16:03:56 CEST 2012

On Wed, Aug 8, 2012 at 8:52 PM, Andy Ray Terrel <aterrel at tacc.utexas.edu> wrote:
> Hello all,
> I'm putting together a minisymposium at SIAM CS&E 2013 (
> http://www.siam.org/meetings/cse13/ ) on Fast Numerical Code in High
> Level Languages.  Having a speaker from your community would be a
> wonderful addition to our minisymposium. Unfortunately tight deadlines
> means I need an answer by Friday (Aug 10).  Can any of you come?
> If you agree please provide a draft title of your presentation.  We
> will then follow up with instructions for you to submit a 75-word
> abstract to the conference system.  Unfortunately, SIAM does not
> provide travel support for minisymposium speakers.
> Title: Fast numerical computing with high-level languages
> Abstract:
> The scientific computing workflow includes many advanced tasks that require
> fast specialized tools.  Researchers have responded through the use of
> high-level languages that hide many of the complexities in each of these
> tools. Unfortunately this leaves a dichotomy in the development of applications
> with high level code piping to the low-level tools with numerous
> practical problems.
> We present many successful approaches to mitigate this two level coding
> hierarchy.  The approaches range from Just In Time (JIT) compiling,
> meta-programming tools, and better wrapping tools with domain specific
> knowledge.
> -- Andy
> --
> Andy R. Terrel, Ph.D.
> Texas Advanced Computing Center
> University of Texas at Austin
> aterrel at tacc.utexas.edu
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I would be potentially inclined to come. Is there any assistance for
travel and accomodation available for speakers?


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