[pypy-dev] cppyy comments/questions

Uwe Hoffmann uwe.ng at family-hoffmann.de
Tue Aug 14 16:40:19 CEST 2012

Am 14.08.2012 00:23, schrieb wlavrijsen at lbl.gov:
> Hi Uwe,
>>  1) During build/translation there were several errors
>>     like "undefined reference to `Reflex::Member::~Member()".
>>     This was caused ".
>>     With some modifications (some insertions of
>>     (lib,"Reflex") e.g. ) in  pypy/translator/tool/cbuild.py
>>     i got a working (but see later) module. But what's the correct
>>     way of doing the build. The "cppyy use case question" thread
>>     mentions the problem but i didn't see the solution.
> the original command that you had works for me, and I've not yet see any
> missing symbols problem. W/o being able to reproduce, it's hard to say
> anything sensible. There's probably something differently setup.
Hi Wim,

well my first analysis was wrong when i said
"by not linking against libReflex".
the command line of the Makefile in /tmp/usession-reflex-support-*/
( $(TARGET): $(OBJECTS)) actually places LDFLAGSEXTRA (containing
-lReflex) in front of the object files. According to
http://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/Link-Options.html libReflex will
not be used for searching missing symbols from *following* object files.

I'm not sure if this is a g++/linker version dependent behaviour.

rules in translator/platform/posix.py places $(LDFLAGSEXTRA) before 


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