[pypy-dev] Seeking a bit of guidance

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Wed Feb 8 18:57:50 CET 2012

Hi Russel,

On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 18:40, Russel Winder <russel at russel.org.uk> wrote:
> ImportError: No module named SCons

You need to install SCons for this PyPy.  That's just the same as
installing it manually for the particular version of CPython you're
testing: you get its sources and run "pypy setup.py install".  The
difference is that SCons is also available as a package in your Linux
distribution; this package is for CPython 2.7 --- a particular version
of CPython.  The Debian package of SCons would not work with a
different version of CPython, nor with PyPy.

A bientôt,


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