[pypy-dev] Biting off more than I can chew

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sat Feb 25 18:42:21 CET 2012


Ah, another matter.  I don't know how interesting the goal of a
no-pause GC is together with STM.  It would seem to me that STM is, by
itself, not really well-suited if you want to absolutely avoid pauses:
if a transaction is aborted a few times before eventually succeeding
to commit, then you have an unexpected pause between the time were the
transaction was first started and the time were it committed.  I think
it's a built-in property of all transactional memory systems to not be
really "real-time safe".  Maybe they can be made real-time safe by
falling back to nontransactional single-threaded execution at some
point, but that looks more advanced that I care for right now.

A bientôt,


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