[pypy-dev] STM

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Jan 5 11:38:35 CET 2012


Ah, I realized something else.  When considering solutions for
CPython, if we go for the one-transaction-per-bytecode approach, like
the approach taken in the 2 papers so far about CPython+TM, then we
need non-lexically-nested transactions in the C language, i.e. more
than what GCC 4.7 offers.  But if instead we go, as I propose, for the
coarse-grained-that-can-be-refined transaction approach, then it's not
true: in the C language we only need to implement an equivalent to the
run() function I pasted, and this function can use a lexically-nested
transaction keyword in C.  So I guess my next goal suddently shifted
back to doing more experiments with CPython and GCC 4.7 :-)

A bientôt,


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