[pypy-dev] Splitting RPython and PyPy

Samuele Pedroni samuele.pedroni at gmail.com
Sun Oct 21 14:40:43 CEST 2012


rpython is  a bit long for the top package name, the only other option
I can think of would be rpyc (with c = compiler or chain) though which
isn't that great;

in any case translate.py should become either rpythonc or rpyc, in the
tradition of cc and javac etc... I can even imagine a world/future
where an rpython command alone would be for an interpreter for

>>   * move pypy.rpython namespace to rpython.rtyper

I know that has been the historical name but the "r" in "rtyper" for
restricted there is a bit of strange repetition with hindsight

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