[pypy-dev] Flow graphs, backends and JIT

Benjamin Peterson benjamin at python.org
Tue Sep 18 16:09:27 CEST 2012

2012/9/18 haael <haael at interia.pl>:
> OK, so where could I start from? Is there for example some list of flow
> graphs opcodes?

You can use the graphviewer described in the documentation.

> In the current approach in a binary there is a compiled machine code, the
> flow graph representation and the JIT compiler. I think we could get rid of
> (most) compiled machine code, leaving only some startup code to spawn the
> JIT compiler. Then, each code path would be compiled by JIT and executed.
> Loops would run as fast as usual. Non-loop code would run slower, but I
> think this would be a minor slowdown. Most importantly, as I understand, the
> binary contains many versions of the same code paths specialized for
> different types. If we throw it out, the binary would be smaller.
> This is not a proposal. It is just a try at understanding things.

It might be technically possible, but it's definitely not within the
design goals of the JIT.

> haael


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