[pypy-dev] Unicode encode/decode speed

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon Feb 18 18:11:05 CET 2013


On Mon, Feb 18, 2013 at 12:37 PM, Eleytherios Stamatogiannakis
<estama at gmail.com> wrote:
> An API like the one you propose would be very nice, and IMHO would give a
> substantial speedup.


> May i suggest, that for generality purposes, the same API functions should
> also be added for UTF-16, UTF-32 ?

Well, I'll rather wait for someone to clearly shows the purpose of
that.  As I said in the above issue, modern programs tend to use UTF-8
systematically, unless they are on an OS with a precise notion of
wider unicodes (like Windows), in which case Python's own unicode
representation matches already and can be used directly in "wchar_t*".

A bientôt,


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