[pypy-dev] translating pypy benchmarks to C

Ronny Pfannschmidt Ronny.Pfannschmidt at gmx.de
Sun Feb 24 19:22:27 CET 2013

On 02/24/2013 07:09 PM, Ghitulete Razvan wrote:
> On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:58 PM, Ronny Pfannschmidt
> <Ronny.Pfannschmidt at gmx.de <mailto:Ronny.Pfannschmidt at gmx.de>> wrote:
>     are you trying to write an operating system in "python"?
> No, I actually want to see how fast can python code go. Writing an
> operating system in python would be quite crazy, and I am still rather
> sane. Maybe in the future though.

then i dont quite get why you want to use rpython - pypy+jit should do

> On Sun, Feb 24, 2013 at 7:54 PM, Douwe Osinga <douwe at triposo.com
> <mailto:douwe at triposo.com>> wrote:
>     Have you tried cython?
> Actually I haven't. I remember of reading their front page, but it
> doesn't say anything explicitly there about converting to C code. Now
> that I've taken a better look, it seems interesting enough. I'll try and
> check it out.
> --
> Sincerely,
> Razvan Ghitulete
> Universitatea Politehnica Bucuresti

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