[pypy-dev] Problems in connecting C++ and python with cppyy

Xia Xin xiaxinx at gmail.com
Mon May 27 08:20:10 CEST 2013


I think I find the problem.
The linux distro I am using is Ubuntu. In the distro, the default
library search path is not controlled by LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but
/etc/ld.so.conf file! Mad.

So, I can load the librarys in /usr/lib with just a name, but have to
give a path to the library in my home.

Apologize for disturbing you, Thank you all!

Best regards,
Xia Xin

2013/5/26 Xia Xin <xiaxinx at gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> This is the result. It shows that the pypy-c does not search the
>>>>> import ctypes
>>>>> ctypes.CDLL('libMyClassDict.so')
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
>   File "/opt/pypy/lib-python/2.7/ctypes/__init__.py", line 367, in __init__
>     self._handle = _ffi.CDLL(name, mode)
> OSError: libMyClassDict.so: libMyClassDict.so: cannot open shared
> object file: No such file or directory
>>>>> ctypes.CDLL('./libMyClassDict.so')
> <CDLL './libMyClassDict.so', handle <_ffi.CDLL object at
> 0x000000000493aaa0> at 4895da8>
> maybe I make a mistake in compiling the pypy-c? I did that like this.
> $ hg clone https://bitbucket.org/pypy/pypy
> $ cd pypy
> $ hg up reflex-support
> $ pypy ../../rpython/bin/rpython --Ojit targetpypystandalone --withmod-cppyy
> Thank you!
> Best regards,
> Xia Xin
> 2013/5/26  <wlavrijsen at lbl.gov>:
>> Hi,
>>> Sorry, I did not find any mistakes except that AttributeError. So I
>>> think maybe there are some problems in my OS.
>> there may still be another problem lurking around that the AttributeError
>> is hiding (and which I'd consider a bug :} ).
>> Could you try the various cases using ctypes.CDLL(), either with CPython
>> or PyPy?
>>  >>> import ctypes
>>  >>> ctypes.CDLL('libMyClassDict.so')
>> If there's an issue with the error reporting, then this may show it.
>> Best regards,
>>            Wim
>> --
>> WLavrijsen at lbl.gov    --    +1 (510) 486 6411    --    www.lavrijsen.net

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