[pypy-dev] pytest and numpypy status

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Mon Nov 25 00:54:45 CET 2013

Currently we are running tests via nose for the pypy-compat fork of 
numpy under pypyin a nightly buildbot task. I have changed the test 
runner to pytest in a branch of the buildbot, and it runs and creates a 
summary page, but I fear the page with ~2000 failures will create too 
much of a load on the buildbot.
I tried to sort the failures by frequency here 
http://bpaste.net/show/152720/ , this counts how many times each "E   
<errortxt>" appears in the log file.
The biggest stumbling blocks to passing more tests seem to be
- a lack of support for dtypes based on objects
- datetime dtype support
- unicode dtype support.
- on line 245 of the paste, AssertionError which is followed in the log 
file by a report of differences in results over an acceptable threshold.

On the positive side, we pass more than 50% of the numpy tests:
======= 1854 failed, 2124 passed, 93 skipped, 65 error in 184.72 seconds 

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