[pypy-dev] PyD and PyPy [was Boost.Python and PyPy -- status?]

Piotr Skamruk piotr.skamruk at gmail.com
Fri Jan 24 15:11:10 CET 2014

2014/1/24 Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org>:
> [...]
> Sorry, you're not getting answers because your question is too vague.
> What is PyD, what kind of C or C++ code it is, ...?  If it's C, we
> recommend CFFI.  If it's C++, we don't have a one-size-fits-all story
> for that --- at all.  If it's the kind of C++ code that can easily be
> embedded into a C interface, we generally recommend that you do that
> and then use CFFI as well.

Probably http://pyd.dsource.org/ is this about what You are asking.
It's wrapper of python api for http://dlang.org/

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