[pypy-dev] libdynd

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Thu Jul 31 17:29:45 CEST 2014


On 26 July 2014 11:19, Antonio Cuni <anto.cuni at gmail.com> wrote:
> this looks interesting, but from a quick look it seems they are only
> offering a C++ API?
> In that case, it might be better/easier to wrap it through cppyy than cffi.

One or the other, yes.

> Also, did Travis told you what are the plans for scipy?

No.  As far as I know the basic library is still in development.  It's
just that I have somehow a feeling that the current speed at which
numpypy progresses is rather slow, and it has a huge existing code
base of expectations as well as messy backward-compatibility
requirements.  If we could instead throw that away and attach our
wagon to the newer development, even if it takes another couple of
years before it becomes usable, then it seems like a long-term win to
me.  Also, a cffi or cppyy version seems easier than a RPython version
for third-party contributors to help maintain, too.

A bientôt,


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