[pypy-dev] pypy platform specific tests

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Sun Aug 16 13:23:16 CEST 2015

Hi Vaibhav,

On 12 August 2015 at 14:15, Vaibhav Sood <vaibhav_sood at persistent.com> wrote:
> wondering if there are any tests in the test suite which help to test the
> built binary? I ask this because I believe there is platform specific code
> in the binary and if so are there are any platform specific tests (I am
> assuming they will be .c files and not .py files) in the code?

No, our tests are almost always .py files.  If you have some more
precise query, like "where is code xyz tested?", I can answer more

We run some tests with the pypy binaries, like CPython's own tests and
more.  Obviously it requires first getting a pypy in binary form.
Then see e.g. http://buildbot.pypy.org/builders/pypy-c-jit-linux-x86-64/builds/2722
.  The last four sections (numbers 10 to 13) are running some tests;
for example section number 11 is the CPython tests.  You can click on
"stdio" to see the exact command used to run the tests (in the first

A bientôt,


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