[pypy-dev] Looking for clues to consistent Seg Fault in PyPy 2.6.1

Stefan Behnel stefan_ml at behnel.de
Sat Nov 7 23:51:07 EST 2015

Armin Rigo schrieb am 04.11.2015 um 14:09:
> On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 11:57 PM, Jeff Doran wrote:
>> Just an update on this problem.  I retested using the latest lxml source
>> from here ( 3.5.0b2?)
> There were a few fixes to PyPy's cpyext layer.  But there was no
> change to lxml itself.  That means it is still using a broken approach
> to work around a CPython C API difference.  Namely, this is the
> weakref stuff which is done incorrectly---although I don't know how to
> do that correctly.


I tried to simply disable the special casing in proxy.pxi, but it only
leads to more crashes:

$ pypy-4.0.0-linux64/bin/pypy test.py -vv -p
TESTED VERSION: 3.5.0.beta1
    Python:           (major=2, minor=7, micro=10, releaselevel='final',
    lxml.etree:       (3, 5, 0, -99)
    libxml used:      (2, 9, 1)
    libxml compiled:  (2, 9, 1)
    libxslt used:     (1, 1, 28)
    libxslt compiled: (1, 1, 28)

RPython traceback:
  File "rpython_memory_gctransform_support.c", line 8320, in
  File "pypy_module_cpyext_pyobject.c", line 2012, in PyOLifeline___del__
Fatal RPython error: AssertionError

Any hints?


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