[pypy-dev] Django DateField default value and migrations fail

William ML Leslie william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com
Wed Aug 17 03:23:10 EDT 2016

Darn reply-to not being set.  Sorry Sergey.

On 17 August 2016 at 17:21, William ML Leslie
<william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 17 August 2016 at 16:50, Sergey Kurdakov <sergey.forum at gmail.com> wrote:
>> still causes error of the kind:
>> topics/migrations/#migration-serializing" % (value, get_docs_version())
>> ValueError: Cannot serialize: <bound method type.today of <class
>> 'datetime.date'
> Do you get a full traceback?  That would be much more useful for
> tracking down the problem.
> --
> William Leslie
> Notice:
> Likely much of this email is, by the nature of copyright, covered
> under copyright law.  You absolutely MAY reproduce any part of it in
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> prior contractual agreement.

William Leslie

Likely much of this email is, by the nature of copyright, covered
under copyright law.  You absolutely MAY reproduce any part of it in
accordance with the copyright law of the nation you are reading this
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