[pypy-dev] Change how a pypy executable finds its lib-python/lib_pypy directories?

Armin Rigo arigo at tunes.org
Mon Sep 26 05:54:28 EDT 2016


On 25 September 2016 at 10:16, Armin Rigo <arigo at tunes.org> wrote:
> How about looking first from the place of the symlink itself, and if
> not found, we dereference the symlink and look again?

That can't work, because there is no way to know the path of the
symlink to libpypy-c.so.  We can only learn the dereferenced path,
using dladdr().

I've partly reverted my check-in: now we look first based on the pypy
executable's real location, like before; and only if that fails, we
look based on the libpypy-c.so's real location.  Like before, we never
look based on where a symlink is.

That means it should be fully backward compatible, but in addition it
also works if the symlink is on the libpypy-c.so instead of the pypy
executable.  We should still try to convince a few distributions to
use this new approach, in order to fix embedding there.

A bientôt,


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