[pypy-dev] Emulate pypy SIGSEGV

Pavlo Lavrenenko santa at portaone.com
Mon Jul 3 10:25:38 EDT 2017

Hello, guys.

Running PyPy 5.6.0 with GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-4) here.
Occasionally PyPy terminates with signal 11 and a long stack consisting mostly 
of: #31 0x00007f0d4c26ce7d in ?? () from /lib64/libpypy-c.so

If I had a proper code sample to reproduce the issue I would have submitted it 
but since I am literally chasing ghosts I am more interested in how to make PyPy 
throw SIGSEGV on purpose (the software hangs after one of its child processes 
dies with signal 11, I want to at least reproduce and workaround this).

kill -11 doesn't give the result I want. Any way to make PyPy crash somewhere in 

Best regards,
Pavlo Lavrenenko,
PortaOne, Inc., Junior Software Developer
Tel: +1-866-SIP VOIP (+1 866 747 8647) ext. 7624

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