[pypy-dev] Static bytecode instruction optimization and pypy (JIT?) optimization

William ML Leslie william.leslie.ttg at gmail.com
Tue Jul 11 04:35:04 EDT 2017

On 11 July 2017 at 18:22, Rocky Bernstein <rb at dustyfeet.com> wrote:
> There's too much generalization and abstraction in the discussion at least
> for me. So let me try to make this a little more concrete with real
> examples. First note that, although Python, yes, does "optimize" "if 0:"
> away, as soon as
> you do something as simple as "debug = 0; if debug:" it is confounded. And
> in my own experience I have done this.

Typically DEBUG is a global in the module, which means it can be set
from /outside/ the module, so it's not constant as far as the runtime
is concerned.  Within a function it's a bit wacky sure, and is only
kept around for interactive debugging reasons afaict.

Here's a possible type for `self.a` which illustrates why
CSE/Store-Sinking on a STORE_ATTR is not valid for the example
function `foo`.

class A(object):
    def set_b(self, value):
        print value
        self._b = value
    b = property(set_b)

class Example(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.a = A()

    def foo(self):
        self.a.b = 5
        x = 0
        if x:
            self.a.b = 2


William Leslie

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