[pypy-dev] Why is pypy slower?

Joseph Reagle joseph.2011 at reagle.org
Wed Feb 13 16:44:18 EST 2019

On 2/13/19 4:03 PM, Carl Friedrich Bolz-Tereick wrote:
> wow, interesting project! Would you be up to sharing some example
> input that you are trying this on? I might be up to looking into why
> the program is slower than on CPython, but I'd need a way that I can 
> actually run it with realistic input.

Thanks Carl. I don't have a nice package, but the repo is:


The dependencies should be easy, `fe.py` imports web_little, which will
require requests. Everything else should be stdlib.

Below I show how to grab the realistic input and run fe.py on it
yielding a 1.6MB YAML file.

╭─reagle at hom ~/tmp
╰─➤  wget http://reagle.org/joseph/2005/ethno/field-notes.zip
--2019-02-13 16:40:13--  http://reagle.org/joseph/2005/ethno/field-notes.zip
2019-02-13 16:40:13 (4.92 MB/s) - ‘field-notes.zip’ saved [1987518/1987518]

╭─reagle at hom ~/tmp
╰─➤  unzip field-notes.zip
Archive:  field-notes.zip
  inflating: field-notes-2008-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2009-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2010-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2011-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2012-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2013-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2014-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2015-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2016-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2017-cat.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2017.mm
  inflating: field-notes-2018.mm
  inflating: field-notes.mm
╭─reagle at hom ~/tmp
╰─➤  ~/bin/fe/fe.py -i field-notes.mm -c -o
╭─reagle at hom ~/tmp
╰─➤  head field-notes.yaml
- id: ACLU2018acg
  type: webpage
  - family: "ACLU"
  container-title: "American Civil Liberties Union"
  custom2: "field-notes-2018.mm"
    year: 2018

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