[pypy-dev] cffi embedding interface uwsgi plugin

Daniel Holth dholth at gmail.com
Wed Apr 22 22:31:03 EDT 2020

I'm playing with the cffi embedding interface. I dusted off the uwsgi pypy
plugin and began porting it to the new interface. I'm very impressed at how
little C is required to make it work.

The Python code embedded in the module, that attaches Python functions to
uwsgi's plugin interface with @ffi.def_extern(), could be replaced with
"import <module passed as uwsgi argument>" and you could iterate on this
without (the 1-second of) recompiling each time. A suitably motivated
person could build an ASGI server this way.

Need to look up how to initialize virtualenv at the Python level. I had
more success with pypy 7.1.1 which seemed to be finding the virtualenv
based on the working directory. Currently pypy 7.3.1 is having trouble
finding the os module in pypy_init_home. And this patch
https://foss.heptapod.net/pypy/cffi/issues/450 is needed to get rid of a

When it works the cool demo would be to compile suffixed variants of the
plugin for pypy and cpython, having one uwsgi emperor mange servers in both

It's at https://github.com/unbit/uwsgi/pull/2146/files


Daniel Holth
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