[pypy-dev] Help needed: are you running windows with a non-ascii interface?

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Wed Feb 26 05:59:03 EST 2020

Someone on stackoverflow asked why PyPy cannot run pandas. Here is the 
error, reformatted from the garbled original:


While there was an off-by-one error with the conversion when building 
time.tzname from the OS c call, I think the issue might be deeper, and 
related to this still-open cpython bug 
https://bugs.python.org/issue16322 where non-ascii tznames are a mess to 

Could someone with a non-ascii (russian, chinese, czech, french, ...) 
interface in windows

- check what pypy3 returns for time.tzname? There is no code to decode 
it, so it is probably a sting of bytes. What encoding is it in?

- try to reproduce the pandas fail on pypy3 (you will need a compiler 
and a fair amount of time)

- see if 6569684f0955 (available after tonight's build on downloads) 
fixes pandas?



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