[pypy-dev] PyPy v7.3.6rc1 is available for testing

Matti Picus matti.picus at gmail.com
Mon Sep 13 11:21:50 EDT 2021

The release candidates for pypy v7.3.6rc1 for python2.7, python3.7, and 
python3.8 are up. This is our first release of 3.8. This release also 
includes a backend for HPy0.0.2 (may be upgraded to 0.0.3 by the final 
release). This release has a number of enhancements and speed-ups, as 
well as the usual bug fixes. The win64 rollout on conda is going well, 
over 600 packages are already built. Many of the bug fixes in this 
version were discovered while building those packages.

Thanks to all who contributed code, comments, or otherwise support PyPy.

The downloads are at https://downloads.python.org/pypy/

and the checksums https://www.pypy.org/checksums.html

Please try them out. The directory layout of the 3.8 release has 
changed, so I hope it still builds c-extension modules on your platform.

The release notice https://doc.pypy.org/en/latest/release-v7.3.6.html

As always, edits are welcome.


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