[pypy-issue] Issue #1831: py3k: incorrect parsing of kwargname in the presence of kwonlyargs (pypy/pypy)

Martin Matusiak issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Wed Jul 30 20:55:00 CEST 2014

New issue 1831: py3k: incorrect parsing of kwargname in the presence of kwonlyargs

Martin Matusiak:

Without kwonly:

(Pdb) snippet = 'def f(aaa, bbb, mmm=1, nnn=2, **kwargs): pass'
(Pdb) self.compiler.compile(snippet, '<string>', 'single', 0)
Signature(['aaa', 'bbb', 'mmm', 'nnn'], None, 'kwargs', [])

With kwonly:

(Pdb) snippet = 'def f(aaa, bbb, *, mmm=1, nnn=2, **kwargs): pass'
(Pdb) self.compiler.compile(snippet, '<string>', 'single', 0)
Signature(['aaa', 'bbb'], None, 'mmm', ['mmm', 'nnn'])
# expected: Signature(['aaa', 'bbb'], None, 'kwargs', ['mmm', 'nnn'])

(Here, Signature.__init__ was instrumented with:


print self.__repr__()

I was trying to write a test for it:


    def test_kwonlyargs_signature(self):
        from pypy.interpreter.pycode import cpython_code_signature

        snippet = 'def f(aaa, bbb, *, mmm=1, nnn=2, **kwargs): pass'
        co = self.compiler.compile(snippet, '<string>', 'single', 0)
        sig = cpython_code_signature(co)
        # assert sig == ....


...but I can't figure out why the code object returned isn't the one I'm trying to compile:


(Pdb) co.co_argcount


Any hints?

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