[pypy-issue] Issue #2630: In dists: libpypy-c is in bin/ instead of lib/ (pypy/pypy)

Min RK issues-reply at bitbucket.org
Sun Aug 13 07:51:32 EDT 2017

New issue 2630: In dists: libpypy-c is in bin/ instead of lib/

Min RK:

in *ix binary dists, the libpypy-c library is in the bin/ prefix instead of the lib/, so linkers don't find it without adding LDFLAGS=/path/to/pypy/bin, which is unusual.

Seems like the dylib should just be moved to /lib/, unless I'm missing something.

The homebrew recipe [patches this itself](https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/blob/7750a48d649d7766503250e7920bb68e6950f9d0/Formula/pypy3.rb#L109), but it would be nice if this were the default.

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