[PySilesia] Lightening Talks

Christopher Lozinski lozinski w blogory.org
Pią, 19 Maj 2017, 04:32:40 EDT

Over time I would like to give two lightening talks, and a longer technical talk at PySilesia. 

PythonLinks.info is the world’s largest Python directory. 

https://pythonlinks.info/welcome <https://pythonlinks.info/welcome>
You can watch the lightening talk on that web page. 

And PolandTrade.info will soon be the world’s largest directory about international trade with Poland.  I am focussed on the catalog of Polish software exporting companies. 

You can watch the 10 minute talk at: 
https://polandtrade.info/welcome <https://polandtrade.info/welcome>

I can shrink it down to 5 minutes.  

The longer technical talk would be on the software which runs these websites.  Blogory is a first cousin to Plone, but much more modern.  There are lots of interesting concepts represented in the software.  Python is great at building abstractions, and blogory takes full advantage of those abstractions. 

Poland Trade includes a large section (45 pages) about doing business  with the US and Silicon Valley.  There are three Polish trade offices in Silicon valley, two of them  from  Katowice.  One the Polish US Trade Council, and the other a Katowice trade office which is about to open in California.   They all want to help sell your products and services into Silicon Valley, but they probably do not know about you. 

These web sites are all based on Python and the ZODB.  Just subclass off of class persistent and your application becomes persistent.  Amazing how many people do not know about the ZODB.  I should probably offer to give a separate talk about the ZODB.   Let me see if I can find some slides from a friend. 

For those who know about this work, I just got back from exhibiting at InfoShare.  After numerous failures, PythonTrade.info is a huge hit.  Every one likes it.   And the iOS market is now not nearly as hot as the Python market, so my attention is no longer on iOSLinks.info, but rather on PythonLinks.info.  Time to go and talk about it.  Good to start close to home at PySilesia.  

Do let me know which lightening talk would interest people more.  Feel free to reply in Polish.  May I volunteer to do a longer technical talk next month?

Warm Regards

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