[py-svn] r51567 - in py/branch/event/py/test2: . rep rep/testing rep/webdata rsession rsession/testing rsession/webdata testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Sun Feb 17 21:22:22 CET 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
New Revision: 51567

   py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/reporter.py
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/testing/   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/testing/__init__.py   (contents, props changed)
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_reporter.py
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_rest.py
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_web.py
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/web.py
      - copied from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/webdata/
      - copied unchanged from r51566, py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/webjs.py
   py/branch/event/py/test2/conftesthandle.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/custompdb.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/genitem.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/outcome.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/present.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/basetest.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_hostmanage.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_masterslave.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/setupdata.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/suptest.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_conftesthandle.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_present.py   (props changed)
   py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_repevent.py   (props changed)
move all reporters and their (skipped) tests into 
a new "rep" directory 

Added: py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/__init__.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Added: py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/testing/__init__.py
--- (empty file)
+++ py/branch/event/py/test2/rep/testing/__init__.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
@@ -0,0 +1 @@

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/reporter.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/reporter.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
-""" reporter - different reporter for different purposes ;-)
-    Still lacks:
-    1. Hanging nodes are not done well
-import py
-from py.__.test2.terminal.out import getout
-from py.__.test2 import repevent
-from py.__.test2 import outcome
-from py.__.misc.terminal_helper import ansi_print, get_terminal_width
-from py.__.test2.present import Presenter, repr_pythonversion,\
-     getrelpath
-import sys
-from time import time as now
-def choose_reporter(reporterclass, config):
-    option = config.option
-    if option.startserver or option.runbrowser:
-        from py.__.test2.rsession.web import WebReporter
-        return WebReporter
-    if option.restreport:
-        from py.__.test2.rsession.rest import RestReporter
-        return RestReporter
-    else:
-        return reporterclass
-class TestReporter(object):
-    """ Simple test reporter which tracks failures
-    and also calls arbitrary provided function,
-    useful for tests
-    """
-    def __init__(self, reportfun):
-        self.reportfun = reportfun
-        self.flag = False
-    def report(self, event):
-        #if event.is_failure():
-        #    self.flag = True
-        self.reportfun(event)
-    __call__ = report
-    def was_failure(self):
-        return self.flag
-class AbstractReporter(object):
-    def __init__(self, config, hosts):
-        self.config = config
-        self.hosts = hosts
-        self.failed_tests_outcome = []
-        self.skipped_tests_outcome = []
-        self.out = getout(py.std.sys.stdout)
-        self.presenter = Presenter(self.out, config)
-        self.to_rsync = {}
-    def get_item_name(self, event, colitem):
-        return "/".join(colitem.listnames())
-    def report(self, what):
-        repfun = getattr(self, "report_" + what.__class__.__name__, 
-                         self.report_unknown)
-        try:
-            return repfun(what)
-        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
-            raise
-        except:
-            print "Internal reporting problem"
-            excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-            for i in excinfo.traceback:
-                print str(i)[2:-1]
-            print excinfo
-            # XXX reenable test before removing below line and
-            # run it with raise
-            raise
-    __call__ = report
-    def report_unknown(self, what):
-        if self.config.option.verbose: 
-            print "Unknown report: %s" % what
-    def report_SendItem(self, item):
-        address = item.host.hostname
-        assert isinstance(item.host.hostname, str)
-        if self.config.option.verbose: 
-            print "Sending %s to %s" % (item.item,
-                                        address)
-    def report_HostRSyncing(self, item):
-        hostrepr = self._hostrepr(item.host)
-        if item.synced: 
-            if (item.host.hostname == "localhost" and 
-                item.root == item.remotepath):
-                print "%15s: skipping inplace rsync of %r" %(
-                        hostrepr, item.remotepath)
-            else: 
-                print "%15s: skip duplicate rsync to %r" % (
-                        hostrepr, item.remotepath)
-        else:
-            print "%15s: rsync %r to remote %r" % (hostrepr, 
-                                                   item.root.basename, 
-                                                   item.remotepath)
-    def report_HostGatewayReady(self, item):
-        self.to_rsync[item.host] = len(item.roots)
-        hostrepr = self._hostrepr(item.host)
-        self.out.write("%15s: gateway initialised (remote topdir: %s)\n"\
-                       % (hostrepr, item.host.gw_remotepath))
-    def report_HostRSyncRootReady(self, item):
-        self.to_rsync[item.host] -= 1
-        if not self.to_rsync[item.host]:
-            self._host_ready(item)
-    def _host_ready(self, item):
-        self.hosts_to_rsync -= 1
-        hostrepr = self._hostrepr(item.host)
-        if self.hosts_to_rsync:
-            print "%15s: READY (still %d to go)" % (hostrepr, 
-                                                    self.hosts_to_rsync)
-        else:
-            print "%15s: READY" % hostrepr 
-    def report_TestStarted(self, item):
-        topdir = item.config.topdir
-        hostreprs = [self._hostrepr(host) for host in item.hosts]
-        txt = " Test started, hosts: %s " % ", ".join(hostreprs)
-        self.hosts_to_rsync = len(item.hosts)
-        self.out.sep("=", txt)
-        self.timestart = item.timestart
-        self.out.write("local top directory: %s\n" % topdir)
-        for i, root in py.builtin.enumerate(item.roots):
-            outof = "%d/%d" %(i+1, len(item.roots))
-            self.out.write("local RSync root [%s]: %s\n" % 
-                           (outof, root))
-    def report_RsyncFinished(self, item):
-        self.timersync = item.time
-    def report_ImmediateFailure(self, event):
-        self.out.line()
-        self.repr_failure(event.item, event.outcome)
-    def report_SessionFinish(self, item):
-        self.out.line()
-        assert hasattr(self, 'timestart')
-        self.timeend = item.timeend
-        self.skips()
-        self.failures()
-        if hasattr(self, 'nodes'): # XXX: Testing
-            self.hangs()
-        self.summary()
-        return len(self.failed_tests_outcome) > 0
-    report_InterruptedExecution = report_SessionFinish
-    report_CrashedExecution = report_SessionFinish
-    def hangs(self):
-        h = []
-        if self.config.option.exitfirst:
-            # reporting hanging nodes in that case makes no sense at all
-            # but we should share some code in all reporters than
-            return
-        for node in self.nodes:
-            h += [(i, node.channel.gateway.sshaddress) for i in node.pending]
-        if h:
-            self.out.sep("=", " HANGING NODES ")
-            for i, node in h:
-                self.out.line("%s on %s" % (" ".join(i.listnames()), node))
-    def failures(self):
-        if self.failed_tests_outcome:
-            self.out.sep("=", " FAILURES ")
-        for event in self.failed_tests_outcome:
-            if isinstance(event, repevent.ItemFinish):
-                host = self.gethost(event)
-                self.out.sep('_', "%s on %s" % 
-                    (" ".join(event.item.listnames()), host))
-                if event.outcome.signal:
-                    self.presenter.repr_item_info(event.item)
-                    self.repr_signal(event.item, event.outcome)
-                else:
-                    self.repr_failure(event.item, event.outcome)
-            else:
-                self.out.sep('_', " ".join(event.item.listnames()))
-                out = outcome.SerializableOutcome(excinfo=event.excinfo)
-                self.repr_failure(event.item, outcome.ReprOutcome(out.make_repr()))
-    def gethost(self, event):
-        return event.host.hostname
-    def repr_failure(self, item, outcome):
-        excinfo = outcome.excinfo
-        traceback = excinfo.traceback
-        if not traceback: 
-            self.out.line("empty traceback from item %r" % (item,)) 
-            return
-        handler = getattr(self.presenter, 'repr_failure_tb%s' % self.config.option.tbstyle)
-        handler(item, excinfo, traceback, lambda: self.repr_out_err(outcome))
-    def repr_out_err(self, outcome):
-        if outcome.stdout:
-            self.out.sep('-', " Captured process stdout: ")
-            self.out.write(outcome.stdout)
-        if outcome.stderr:
-            self.out.sep('-', " Captured process stderr: ")
-            self.out.write(outcome.stderr)
-    def repr_signal(self, item, outcome):
-        signal = outcome.signal
-        self.out.line("Received signal: %d" % outcome.signal)
-        self.repr_out_err(outcome)
-    def _hostrepr(self, host):
-        return host.hostid
-    def skips(self):
-        # XXX review and test below, fix too many lines of 
-        #     skips that happen in the same file/lineno
-        #     (this is correct in py-dist) 
-        texts = {}
-        for event in self.skipped_tests_outcome:
-            colitem = event.item
-            if isinstance(event, repevent.ItemFinish):
-                outcome = event.outcome
-                text = outcome.skipped.value
-                itemname = repr(outcome.skipped.traceback[-2]).split("\n")[0]
-            elif isinstance(event, repevent.DeselectedTest):
-                text = str(event.excinfo.value)
-                itemname = "/".join(colitem.listnames())
-            if text not in texts:
-                texts[text] = [itemname]
-            else:
-                texts[text].append(itemname)
-        if texts:
-            self.out.line()
-            self.out.sep('_', 'reasons for skipped tests')
-            for text, items in texts.items():
-                for item in items:
-                    self.out.line('Skipped in %s' % item)
-                self.out.line("reason: %s" % text[1:-1])
-                self.out.line()
-    def summary(self):
-        def gather(dic):
-            # XXX hack to handle dicts & ints here, get rid of it
-            if isinstance(dic, int):
-                return dic
-            total = 0
-            for key, val in dic.iteritems():
-                total += val
-            return total
-        def create_str(name, count):
-            if count:
-                return ", %d %s" % (count, name)
-            return ""
-        total_passed = gather(self.passed)
-        total_failed = gather(self.failed)
-        total_skipped = gather(self.skipped)
-        total = total_passed + total_failed + total_skipped
-        skipped_str = create_str("skipped", total_skipped)
-        failed_str = create_str("failed", total_failed)
-        self.out.line()
-        self.print_summary(total, skipped_str, failed_str)
-    def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str):
-        self.out.sep("=", " %d test run%s%s in %.2fs (rsync: %.2f)" % 
-            (total, skipped_str, failed_str, self.timeend - self.timestart,
-             self.timersync - self.timestart))
-    def report_DeselectedTest(self, event):
-        #event.outcome.excinfo.source = 
-        self.skipped_tests_outcome.append(event)
-    def report_FailedTryiter(self, event):
-        pass
-        # XXX: right now we do not do anything with it
-    def report_ItemFinish(self, event):
-        host = event.host
-        hostrepr = self._hostrepr(host)
-        if event.outcome.passed:
-            self.passed[host] += 1
-            sys.stdout.write("%15s: PASSED  " % hostrepr)
-        elif event.outcome.skipped:
-            self.skipped_tests_outcome.append(event)
-            self.skipped[host] += 1
-            sys.stdout.write("%15s: SKIPPED " % hostrepr) 
-        else:
-            self.failed[host] += 1
-            self.failed_tests_outcome.append(event)
-            sys.stdout.write("%15s: " % hostrepr) 
-            ansi_print("FAILED", esc=(31,1), newline=False, file=sys.stdout)
-            sys.stdout.write("  ")
-        # we should have printed 20 characters to this point
-        itempath = ".".join(event.item.listnames()[1:-1])
-        funname = event.item.listnames()[-1]
-        lgt = get_terminal_width() - 20
-        # mark the function name, to be sure
-        to_display = len(itempath) + len(funname) + 1
-        if to_display > lgt:
-            sys.stdout.write("..." + itempath[to_display-lgt+4:])
-        else:
-            sys.stdout.write(itempath)
-        sys.stdout.write(" ")
-        ansi_print(funname, esc=32, file=sys.stdout)
-    def report_Nodes(self, event):
-        self.nodes = event.nodes
-    def was_failure(self):
-        return sum(self.failed.values()) > 0
-class RemoteReporter(AbstractReporter):
-    def __init__(self, config, hosts):
-        super(RemoteReporter, self).__init__(config, hosts)
-        self.failed = dict([(host, 0) for host in hosts])
-        self.skipped = dict([(host, 0) for host in hosts])
-        self.passed = dict([(host, 0) for host in hosts])
-    def get_item_name(self, event, colitem):
-        return event.host.hostname + ":" + \
-            "/".join(colitem.listnames())
-    def report_FailedTryiter(self, event):
-        self.out.line("FAILED TO LOAD MODULE: %s\n" % "/".join(event.item.listnames()))
-        self.failed_tests_outcome.append(event)
-        # argh! bad hack, need to fix it
-        self.failed[self.hosts[0]] += 1
-    def report_DeselectedTest(self, event):
-        self.out.line("Skipped (%s) %s\n" % (str(event.excinfo.value), "/".
-            join(event.item.listnames())))
-class LocalReporter(AbstractReporter):
-    def __init__(self, config, hosts=None):
-        assert not hosts
-        super(LocalReporter, self).__init__(config, hosts)
-        self.failed = 0
-        self.skipped = 0
-        self.passed = 0
-    def report_TestStarted(self, item):
-        colitems = item.config.getcolitems()
-        txt = " test process starts "
-        self.out.sep("=", txt)
-        self.timestart = item.timestart
-        self.out.line("executable:   %s  (%s)" %
-                      (py.std.sys.executable, repr_pythonversion()))
-        rev = py.__package__.getrev()
-        self.out.line("using py lib: %s <rev %s>" % (
-                       py.path.local(py.__file__).dirpath(), rev))
-        config = item.config
-        if config.option.traceconfig or config.option.verbose: 
-            for x in colitems: 
-                self.out.line("test target:  %s" %(x.fspath,))
-            conftestmodules = config._conftest.getconftestmodules(None)
-            for i,x in py.builtin.enumerate(conftestmodules):
-                self.out.line("initial conf %d: %s" %(i, x.__file__)) 
-    def get_item_name(self, event, colitem):
-        return "/".join(colitem.listnames())
-    def print_summary(self, total, skipped_str, failed_str):
-        self.out.sep("=", " %d test run%s%s in %.2fs" % 
-            (total, skipped_str, failed_str, self.timeend - self.timestart))
-    def report_DeselectedTest(self, event):
-        #self.show_item(event.item, False)
-        if isinstance(event.item, py.test2.collect.Module):
-            self.out.write("- skipped (%s)" % event.excinfo.value)
-        else:
-            self.out.write("s")
-            self.skipped_tests_outcome.append(event)
-    def report_FailedTryiter(self, event):
-        #self.show_item(event.item, False)
-        self.out.write("- FAILED TO LOAD MODULE")
-        self.failed_tests_outcome.append(event)
-        self.failed += 1
-    def report_ItemFinish(self, event):
-        if event.outcome.passed:
-            self.passed += 1
-            self.out.write(".")
-        elif event.outcome.skipped:
-            self.skipped_tests_outcome.append(event)
-            self.skipped += 1
-            self.out.write("s")
-        else:
-            self.failed += 1
-            self.failed_tests_outcome.append(event)
-            self.out.write("F")
-    def report_ItemStart(self, event):
-        # XXX
-        event.item.start = now()
-        self.show_item(event.item)
-    def show_item(self, item, count_elems = True):
-        if isinstance(item, py.test2.collect.Module):
-            self.show_Module(item)
-        if self.config.option.verbose > 0 and\
-           isinstance(item, py.test2.collect.Item):
-            self.show_ItemVerbose(item)
-    def show_ItemVerbose(self, item):
-        realpath, lineno = item._getpathlineno()
-        location = "%s:%d" % (realpath.basename, lineno+1)
-        self.out.write("%-20s %s " % (location, item._getmodpath()))
-    def show_Module(self, mod):
-        lgt = len(list(mod._tryiter()))
-        if self.config.option.verbose == 0:
-            base = getrelpath(py.path.local(), mod.fspath)
-            self.out.write("\n%s[%d] " % (base, lgt))
-        else:
-            self.out.line()
-            self.out.line('+ testmodule: %s[%d]' % (mod.fspath, lgt))
-    def gethost(self, event):
-        return 'localhost'
-    def hangs(self):
-        pass
-    def was_failure(self):
-        return self.failed > 0

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_rest.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_rest.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,356 +0,0 @@
-""" tests of rest reporter backend
-import py
-py.test.skip("refactor ReST reporter tests")
-from py.__.test2.testing.test_reporter import AbstractTestReporter,\
-     DummyChannel
-from py.__.test2 import repevent
-from py.__.test2.rsession.rest import RestReporter, NoLinkWriter
-from py.__.rest.rst import *
-from py.__.test2.rsession.hostmanage import HostInfo
-from py.__.test2.outcome import SerializableOutcome
-class Container(object):
-    def __init__(self, **args):
-        for arg, val in args.items():
-            setattr(self, arg, val) 
-class RestTestReporter(RestReporter):
-    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        if args:
-            super(RestReporter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
-class TestRestUnits(object):
-    def setup_method(self, method):
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse(["some_sub"])
-        config.option.verbose = False
-        self.config = config
-        hosts = [HostInfo('localhost')]
-        method.im_func.func_globals['ch'] = DummyChannel(hosts[0])
-        method.im_func.func_globals['reporter'] = r = RestReporter(config,
-                                                                hosts)
-        method.im_func.func_globals['stdout'] = s = py.std.StringIO.StringIO()
-        r.out = s # XXX will need to become a real reporter some time perhaps?
-        r.linkwriter = NoLinkWriter()
-    def test_report_unknown(self):
-        self.config.option.verbose = True
-        reporter.report_unknown('foo')
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == 'Unknown report\\: foo\n\n'
-        self.config.option.verbose = False
-    def test_report_SendItem(self):
-        event = repevent.SendItem(item='foo/bar.py', channel=ch)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ''
-        stdout.seek(0)
-        stdout.truncate()
-        reporter.config.option.verbose = True
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('sending item foo/bar.py to '
-                                     'localhost\n\n')
-    def test_report_HostRSyncing(self):
-        event = repevent.HostRSyncing(HostInfo('localhost:/foo/bar'), "a",
-                                      "b", False)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('::\n\n   localhost: RSYNC ==> '
-                                     '/foo/bar\n\n')
-    def test_report_HostRSyncRootReady(self):
-        h = HostInfo('localhost')
-        reporter.hosts_to_rsync = 1
-        reporter.report(repevent.HostGatewayReady(h, ["a"]))
-        event = repevent.HostRSyncRootReady(h, "a")
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == '::\n\n   localhost: READY\n\n'
-    def test_report_TestStarted(self):
-        event = repevent.TestStarted([HostInfo('localhost'),
-                                          HostInfo('foo.com')],
-                                     "aa", ["a", "b"])
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
-Running tests on hosts\: localhost, foo.com
-    def test_report_ItemStart(self):
-        class FakeModule(py.test2.collect.Module):
-            def __init__(self, parent):
-                self.parent = parent
-                self.fspath = py.path.local('.')
-            def _tryiter(self):
-                return ['test_foo', 'test_bar']
-            def listnames(self):
-                return ['package', 'foo', 'bar.py']
-        parent = Container(parent=None, fspath=py.path.local('.'))
-        event = repevent.ItemStart(item=FakeModule(parent))
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
-Testing module foo/bar.py (2 items)
-    def test_print_summary(self):
-        reporter.timestart = 10
-        reporter.timeend = 20
-        reporter.timersync = 15
-        reporter.print_summary(10, '', '')
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
-10 tests run in 10.00s (rsync\: 5.00)
-    def test_ItemFinish_PASSED(self):
-        outcome = SerializableOutcome()
-        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
-        event = repevent.ItemFinish(channel=ch, outcome=outcome, item=item)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('* localhost\\: **PASSED** '
-                                     'foo.py/bar()/baz\n\n')
-    def test_ItemFinish_SKIPPED(self):
-        outcome = SerializableOutcome(skipped="reason")
-        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
-        event = repevent.ItemFinish(channel=ch, outcome=outcome, item=item)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ('* localhost\\: **SKIPPED** '
-                                     'foo.py/bar()/baz\n\n')
-    def test_ItemFinish_FAILED(self):
-        outcome = SerializableOutcome(excinfo="xxx")
-        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'])
-        event = repevent.ItemFinish(channel=ch, outcome=outcome, item=item)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
-* localhost\: **FAILED** `traceback0`_ foo.py/bar()/baz
-    def test_ItemFinish_FAILED_stdout(self):
-        excinfo = Container(
-            typename='FooError',
-            value='A foo has occurred',
-            traceback=[
-                Container(
-                    path='foo/bar.py',
-                    lineno=1,
-                    relline=1,
-                    source='foo()',
-                ),
-                Container(
-                    path='foo/baz.py',
-                    lineno=4,
-                    relline=1,
-                    source='raise FooError("A foo has occurred")',
-                ),
-            ]
-        )
-        outcome = SerializableOutcome(excinfo=excinfo)
-        outcome.stdout = '<printed>'
-        outcome.stderr = ''
-        parent = Container(parent=None, fspath=py.path.local('.'))
-        item = Container(listnames=lambda: ['', 'foo.py', 'bar', '()', 'baz'],
-                         parent=parent, fspath=py.path.local('foo'))
-        event = repevent.ItemFinish(channel=ch, outcome=outcome,
-                                           item=item)
-        reporter.report(event)
-        reporter.timestart = 10
-        reporter.timeend = 20
-        reporter.timersync = 15
-        reporter.print_summary(10, '', '')
-        reporter.print_summary(1, 'skipped', 'failed')
-        out = stdout.getvalue()
-        assert out.find('<printed>') > -1
-    def test_skips(self):
-        class FakeOutcome(Container, repevent.ItemFinish):
-            pass
-        class FakeTryiter(Container, repevent.DeselectedTest):
-            pass
-        reporter.skips()
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == ''
-        reporter.skipped_tests_outcome = [
-            FakeOutcome(outcome=Container(skipped='problem X'),
-                        item=Container(listnames=lambda: ['foo', 'bar.py'])),
-            FakeTryiter(excinfo=Container(value='problem Y'),
-                        item=Container(listnames=lambda: ['foo', 'baz.py']))]
-        reporter.skips()
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == """\
-Reasons for skipped tests\:
-* foo/bar.py\: problem X
-* foo/baz.py\: problem Y
-    def test_failures(self):
-        class FakeOutcome(Container, repevent.ItemFinish):
-            pass
-        parent = Container(parent=None, fspath=py.path.local('.'))
-        reporter.failed_tests_outcome = [
-            FakeOutcome(
-                outcome=Container(
-                    signal=False,
-                    excinfo=Container(
-                        typename='FooError',
-                        value='A foo has occurred',
-                        traceback=[
-                            Container(
-                                path='foo/bar.py',
-                                lineno=1,
-                                relline=1,
-                                source='foo()',
-                            ),
-                            Container(
-                                path='foo/baz.py',
-                                lineno=4,
-                                relline=1,
-                                source='raise FooError("A foo has occurred")',
-                            ),
-                        ]
-                    ),
-                    stdout='',
-                    stderr='',
-                ),
-                item=Container(
-                    listnames=lambda: ['package', 'foo', 'bar.py',
-                                       'baz', '()'],
-                    parent=parent,
-                    fspath=py.path.local('.'),
-                ),
-                channel=ch,
-            ),
-        ]
-        reporter.config.option.tbstyle = 'no'
-        reporter.failures()
-        expected = """\
-foo/bar.py/baz() on localhost
-.. _`traceback0`:
-  A foo has occurred
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == expected
-        reporter.config.option.tbstyle = 'short'
-        stdout.seek(0)
-        stdout.truncate()
-        reporter.failures()
-        expected = """\
-foo/bar.py/baz() on localhost
-.. _`traceback0`:
-  foo/bar.py line 1
-    foo()
-  foo/baz.py line 4
-    raise FooError("A foo has occurred")
-  A foo has occurred
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == expected
-        reporter.config.option.tbstyle = 'long'
-        stdout.seek(0)
-        stdout.truncate()
-        reporter.failures()
-        expected = """\
-foo/bar.py/baz() on localhost
-.. _`traceback0`:
-foo/bar.py line 1
-      foo()
-foo/baz.py line 4
-      raise FooError("A foo has occurred")
-  A foo has occurred
-        assert stdout.getvalue() == expected
-class TestRestReporter(AbstractTestReporter):
-    reporter = RestReporter
-    def get_hosts(self):
-        return [HostInfo('localhost')]
-    def test_failed_to_load(self):
-        py.test.skip("Not implemented")
-    def test_report_received_item_outcome(self):
-        val = self.report_received_item_outcome()
-        expected_list = [
-            "**FAILED**",
-            "**SKIPPED**",
-            "**PASSED**",
-            "* localhost\:",
-            "`traceback0`_ test\_one.py/funcpass",
-            "test\_one.py/funcpass"]
-        for expected in expected_list:
-            assert val.find(expected) != -1

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_web.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_web.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-""" webtest
-import py
-def setup_module(mod):
-    try:
-        from pypy.translator.js.main import rpython2javascript
-        from pypy.translator.js import commproxy
-        mod.commproxy = commproxy
-        mod.rpython2javascript = rpython2javascript
-    except ImportError:
-        py.test.skip("PyPy not found")
-    mod.commproxy.USE_MOCHIKIT = False
-    mod.rpython2javascript = rpython2javascript
-    mod.commproxy = mod.commproxy
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import TestHandler as _TestHandler
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import MultiQueue
-    mod._TestHandler = _TestHandler
-    mod.MultiQueue = MultiQueue
-def test_js_generate():
-    from py.__.test2.rsession import webjs
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import FUNCTION_LIST, IMPORTED_PYPY
-    source = rpython2javascript(webjs, FUNCTION_LIST, use_pdb=False)
-    assert source
-def test_parse_args():
-    class TestTestHandler(_TestHandler):
-        def __init__(self):
-            pass
-    h = TestTestHandler()
-    assert h.parse_args('foo=bar') == {'foo': 'bar'}
-    assert h.parse_args('foo=bar%20baz') == {'foo': 'bar baz'}
-    assert h.parse_args('foo%20bar=baz') == {'foo bar': 'baz'}
-    assert h.parse_args('foo=bar%baz') == {'foo': 'bar\xbaz'}
-    py.test2.raises(ValueError, 'h.parse_args("foo")')
-class TestMultiQueue(object):
-    def test_get_one_sessid(self):
-        mq = MultiQueue()
-        mq.put(1)
-        result = mq.get(1234)
-        assert result == 1
-    def test_get_two_sessid(self):
-        mq = MultiQueue()
-        mq.put(1)
-        result = mq.get(1234)
-        assert result == 1
-        mq.put(2)
-        result = mq.get(1234)
-        assert result == 2
-        result = mq.get(5678)
-        assert result == 1
-        result = mq.get(5678)
-        assert result == 2
-    def test_get_blocking(self):
-        import thread
-        result = []
-        def getitem(mq, sessid):
-            result.append(mq.get(sessid))
-        mq = MultiQueue()
-        thread.start_new_thread(getitem, (mq, 1234))
-        assert not result
-        mq.put(1)
-        py.std.time.sleep(0.1)
-        assert result == [1]
-    def test_empty(self):
-        mq = MultiQueue()
-        assert mq.empty()
-        mq.put(1)
-        assert not mq.empty()
-        result = mq.get(1234)
-        result == 1
-        assert mq.empty()
-        mq.put(2)
-        result = mq.get(4567)
-        assert result == 1
-        result = mq.get(1234)
-        assert result == 2
-        assert not mq.empty()
-        result = mq.get(4567)
-        assert result == 2
-        assert mq.empty()

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/testing/test_webjs.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
-import py
-def check(mod):
-    try:
-        import pypy
-        from pypy.translator.js.modules import dom
-        from pypy.translator.js.tester import schedule_callbacks
-        dom.Window # check whether dom was properly imported or is just a 
-                   # leftover in sys.modules
-    except (ImportError, AttributeError):
-        py.test.skip('PyPy not found')
-    mod.dom = dom
-    mod.schedule_callbacks = schedule_callbacks
-    from py.__.test2.rsession import webjs
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import exported_methods
-    mod.webjs = webjs
-    mod.exported_methods = exported_methods
-    mod.here = py.magic.autopath().dirpath()
-def setup_module(mod):
-    check(mod)
-    # load HTML into window object
-    html = here.join('../webdata/index.html').read()
-    mod.html = html
-    from pypy.translator.js.modules import dom
-    mod.dom = dom
-    dom.window = dom.Window(html)
-    dom.document = dom.window.document
-    from py.__.test2.rsession import webjs
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import exported_methods
-    mod.webjs = webjs
-    mod.exported_methods = exported_methods
-def setup_function(f):
-    dom.window = dom.Window(html)
-    dom.document = dom.window.document
-def test_html_loaded():
-    body = dom.window.document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0]
-    assert len(body.childNodes) > 0
-    assert str(body.childNodes[1].nodeName) == 'A'
-def test_set_msgbox():
-    py.test.skip("not implemented in genjs")
-    msgbox = dom.window.document.getElementById('messagebox')
-    assert len(msgbox.childNodes) == 0
-    webjs.set_msgbox('foo', 'bar')
-    assert len(msgbox.childNodes) == 1
-    assert msgbox.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'PRE'
-    assert msgbox.childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'foo\nbar'
-def test_show_info():
-    info = dom.window.document.getElementById('info')
-    info.style.visibility = 'hidden'
-    info.innerHTML = ''
-    webjs.show_info('foobar')
-    content = info.innerHTML
-    assert content == 'foobar'
-    bgcolor = info.style.backgroundColor
-    assert bgcolor == 'beige'
-def test_hide_info():
-    info = dom.window.document.getElementById('info')
-    info.style.visibility = 'visible'
-    webjs.hide_info()
-    assert info.style.visibility == 'hidden'
-def test_process():
-    main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
-    assert len(main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')) == 0
-    assert not webjs.process({})
-    msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
-           'itemtype': 'Module',
-           'itemname': 'foo.py',
-           'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
-           'length': 10,
-           }
-    assert webjs.process(msg)
-    trs = main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')
-    assert len(trs) == 1
-    tr = trs[0]
-    assert len(tr.childNodes) == 2
-    assert tr.childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TD'
-    assert tr.childNodes[0].innerHTML == 'foo.py[0/10]'
-    assert tr.childNodes[1].nodeName == 'TD'
-    assert tr.childNodes[1].childNodes[0].nodeName == 'TABLE'
-    assert len(tr.childNodes[1].getElementsByTagName('tr')) == 0
-def test_process_two():
-    main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
-    msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
-           'itemtype': 'Module',
-           'itemname': 'foo.py',
-           'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
-           'length': 10,
-           }
-    webjs.process(msg)
-    msg = {'type': 'ItemFinish',
-           'fullmodulename': 'modules/foo.py',
-           'passed' : 'True',
-           'fullitemname' : 'modules/foo.py/test_item',
-           'hostkey': None,
-           }
-    webjs.process(msg)
-    trs = main_t.getElementsByTagName('tr')
-    tds = trs[0].getElementsByTagName('td')
-    # two cells in the row, one in the table inside one of the cells
-    assert len(tds) == 3
-    html = tds[0].innerHTML
-    assert html == 'foo.py[1/10]'
-    assert tds[2].innerHTML == '.'
-def test_signal():
-    main_t = dom.window.document.getElementById('main_table')
-    msg = {'type': 'ItemStart',
-           'itemtype': 'Module',
-           'itemname': 'foo.py',
-           'fullitemname': 'modules/foo.py',
-           'length': 10,
-           }
-    webjs.process(msg)
-    msg = {'type': 'ItemFinish',
-           'fullmodulename': 'modules/foo.py',
-           'passed' : 'False',
-           'fullitemname' : 'modules/foo.py/test_item',
-           'hostkey': None,
-           'signal': '10',
-           'skipped': 'False',
-           }
-    exported_methods.fail_reasons['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = 'Received signal 10'
-    exported_methods.stdout['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = ''
-    exported_methods.stderr['modules/foo.py/test_item'] = ''
-    webjs.process(msg)
-    schedule_callbacks(exported_methods)
-    # ouch
-    assert dom.document.getElementById('modules/foo.py').childNodes[0].\
-        childNodes[0].childNodes[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue == 'F'
-# XXX: Write down test for full run

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/web.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/web.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,473 +0,0 @@
-""" web server for py.test
-from BaseHTTPServer import HTTPServer, BaseHTTPRequestHandler
-import thread, threading
-import re
-import time
-import random
-import Queue
-import os
-import sys
-import socket
-import py
-from py.__.test2.rsession.rsession import RSession
-from py.__.test2 import repevent
-from py.__.test2 import collect
-from py.__.test2.rsession.webdata import json
-DATADIR = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath("webdata")
-FUNCTION_LIST = ["main", "show_skip", "show_traceback", "show_info", "hide_info",
-    "show_host", "hide_host", "hide_messagebox", "opt_scroll"]
-    from pypy.rpython.ootypesystem.bltregistry import MethodDesc, BasicExternal
-    from pypy.translator.js.main import rpython2javascript
-    from pypy.translator.js import commproxy
-    from pypy.translator.js.lib.support import callback
-    commproxy.USE_MOCHIKIT = False
-except (ImportError, NameError):
-    class BasicExternal(object):
-        pass
-    def callback(*args, **kwargs):
-        def decorator(func):
-            return func
-        return decorator
-    IMPORTED_PYPY = False
-def add_item(event):
-    """ A little helper
-    """
-    item = event.item
-    itemtype = item.__class__.__name__
-    itemname = item.name
-    fullitemname = "/".join(item.listnames())
-    d = {'fullitemname': fullitemname, 'itemtype': itemtype,
-         'itemname': itemname}
-    #if itemtype == 'Module':
-    try:
-        d['length'] = str(len(list(event.item._tryiter())))
-    except:
-        d['length'] = "?"
-    return d
-class MultiQueue(object):
-    """ a tailor-made queue (internally using Queue) for py.test2.rsession.web
-        API-wise the main difference is that the get() method gets a sessid
-        argument, which is used to determine what data to feed to the client
-        when a data queue for a sessid doesn't yet exist, it is created, and
-        filled with data that has already been fed to the other clients
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self._cache = []
-        self._session_queues = {}
-        self._lock = py.std.thread.allocate_lock()
-    def put(self, item):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            self._cache.append(item)
-            for key, q in self._session_queues.items():
-                q.put(item)
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def _del(self, sessid):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            del self._session_queues[sessid]
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-    def get(self, sessid):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if not sessid in self._session_queues:
-                self._create_session_queue(sessid)
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-        return self._session_queues[sessid].get(sessid)
-    def empty(self):
-        self._lock.acquire()
-        try:
-            if not self._session_queues:
-                return not len(self._cache)
-            for q in self._session_queues.values():
-                if not q.empty():
-                    return False
-        finally:
-            self._lock.release()
-        return True
-    def empty_queue(self, sessid):
-        return self._session_queues[sessid].empty()
-    def _create_session_queue(self, sessid):
-        self._session_queues[sessid] = q = Queue.Queue()
-        for item in self._cache:
-            q.put(item)
-class ExportedMethods(BasicExternal):
-    _render_xmlhttp = True
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.pending_events = MultiQueue()
-        self.start_event = threading.Event()
-        self.end_event = threading.Event()
-        self.skip_reasons = {}
-        self.fail_reasons = {}
-        self.stdout = {}
-        self.stderr = {}
-        self.all = 0
-        self.to_rsync = {}
-    def findmodule(self, item):
-        # find the most outwards parent which is module
-        current = item
-        while current:
-            if isinstance(current, collect.Module):
-                break
-            current = current.parent
-        if current is not None:
-            return str(current.name), str("/".join(current.listnames()))
-        else:
-            return str(item.parent.name), str("/".join(item.parent.listnames()))
-    def show_hosts(self):
-        self.start_event.wait()
-        to_send = {}
-        for host in self.hosts:
-            to_send[host.hostid] = host.hostname
-        return to_send
-    show_hosts = callback(retval={str:str})(show_hosts)
-    def show_skip(self, item_name="aa"):
-        return {'item_name': item_name,
-                           'reason': self.skip_reasons[item_name]}
-    show_skip = callback(retval={str:str})(show_skip)
-    def show_fail(self, item_name="aa"):
-        return {'item_name':item_name,
-                           'traceback':str(self.fail_reasons[item_name]),
-                           'stdout':self.stdout[item_name],
-                           'stderr':self.stderr[item_name]}
-    show_fail = callback(retval={str:str})(show_fail)
-    _sessids = None
-    _sesslock = py.std.thread.allocate_lock()
-    def show_sessid(self):
-        if not self._sessids:
-            self._sessids = []
-        self._sesslock.acquire()
-        try:
-            while 1:
-                sessid = ''.join(py.std.random.sample(
-                                 py.std.string.lowercase, 8))
-                if sessid not in self._sessids:
-                    self._sessids.append(sessid)
-                    break
-        finally:
-            self._sesslock.release()
-        return sessid
-    show_sessid = callback(retval=str)(show_sessid)
-    def failed(self, **kwargs):
-        if not 'sessid' in kwargs:
-            return
-        sessid = kwargs['sessid']
-        to_del = -1
-        for num, i in enumerate(self._sessids):
-            if i == sessid:
-                to_del = num
-        if to_del != -1:
-            del self._sessids[to_del]
-        self.pending_events._del(kwargs['sessid'])
-    def show_all_statuses(self, sessid='xx'):
-        retlist = [self.show_status_change(sessid)]
-        while not self.pending_events.empty_queue(sessid):
-            retlist.append(self.show_status_change(sessid))
-        retval = retlist
-        return retval
-    show_all_statuses = callback(retval=[{str:str}])(show_all_statuses)
-    def show_status_change(self, sessid):
-        event = self.pending_events.get(sessid)
-        if event is None:
-            self.end_event.set()
-            return {}
-        # some dispatcher here
-        if isinstance(event, repevent.ItemFinish):
-            args = {}
-            outcome = event.outcome
-            for key, val in outcome.__dict__.iteritems():
-                args[key] = str(val)
-            args.update(add_item(event))
-            mod_name, mod_fullname = self.findmodule(event.item)
-            args['modulename'] = str(mod_name)
-            args['fullmodulename'] = str(mod_fullname)
-            fullitemname = args['fullitemname']
-            if outcome.skipped:
-                self.skip_reasons[fullitemname] = self.repr_failure_tblong(
-                    event.item,
-                    outcome.skipped,
-                    outcome.skipped.traceback)
-            elif outcome.excinfo:
-                self.fail_reasons[fullitemname] = self.repr_failure_tblong(
-                    event.item, outcome.excinfo, outcome.excinfo.traceback)
-                self.stdout[fullitemname] = outcome.stdout
-                self.stderr[fullitemname] = outcome.stderr
-            elif outcome.signal:
-                self.fail_reasons[fullitemname] = "Received signal %d" % outcome.signal
-                self.stdout[fullitemname] = outcome.stdout
-                self.stderr[fullitemname] = outcome.stderr
-            if event.channel:
-                args['hostkey'] = event.channel.gateway.host.hostid
-            else:
-                args['hostkey'] = ''
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.ItemStart):
-            args = add_item(event)
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.TestSessionFinish):
-            args = {}
-            args['run'] = str(self.all)
-            args['fails'] = str(len(self.fail_reasons))
-            args['skips'] = str(len(self.skip_reasons))
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.SendItem):
-            args = add_item(event)
-            args['hostkey'] = event.channel.gateway.host.hostid
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.HostRSyncRootReady):
-            self.ready_hosts[event.host] = True
-            args = {'hostname' : event.host.hostname, 'hostkey' : event.host.hostid}
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.FailedTryiter):
-            args = add_item(event)
-        elif isinstance(event, repevent.DeselectedTest):
-            args = add_item(event)
-            args['reason'] = str(event.excinfo.value)
-        else:
-            args = {}
-        args['event'] = str(event)
-        args['type'] = event.__class__.__name__
-        return args
-    def repr_failure_tblong(self, item, excinfo, traceback):
-        lines = []
-        for index, entry in py.builtin.enumerate(traceback):
-            lines.append('----------')
-            lines.append("%s: %s" % (entry.path, entry.lineno))
-            lines += self.repr_source(entry.relline, entry.source)
-        lines.append("%s: %s" % (excinfo.typename, excinfo.value))
-        return "\n".join(lines)
-    def repr_source(self, relline, source):
-        lines = []
-        for num, line in enumerate(str(source).split("\n")):
-            if num == relline:
-                lines.append(">>>>" + line)
-            else:
-                lines.append("    " + line)
-        return lines
-    def report_ItemFinish(self, event):
-        self.all += 1
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def report_FailedTryiter(self, event):
-        fullitemname = "/".join(event.item.listnames())
-        self.fail_reasons[fullitemname] = self.repr_failure_tblong(
-            event.item, event.excinfo, event.excinfo.traceback)
-        self.stdout[fullitemname] = ''
-        self.stderr[fullitemname] = ''
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def report_ItemStart(self, event):
-        if isinstance(event.item, py.test2.collect.Module):
-            self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def report_unknown(self, event):
-        # XXX: right now, we just pass it for showing
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def _host_ready(self, event):
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def report_HostGatewayReady(self, item):
-        self.to_rsync[item.host] = len(item.roots)
-    def report_HostRSyncRootReady(self, item):
-        self.to_rsync[item.host] -= 1
-        if not self.to_rsync[item.host]:
-            self._host_ready(item)
-    def report_TestStarted(self, event):
-        # XXX: It overrides our self.hosts
-        self.hosts = {}
-        self.ready_hosts = {}
-        if not event.hosts:
-            self.hosts = []
-        else:
-            for host in event.hosts:
-                self.hosts[host] = host
-                self.ready_hosts[host] = False
-        self.start_event.set()
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-    def report_TestSessionFinish(self, event):
-        self.pending_events.put(event)
-        kill_server()
-    report_InterruptedExecution = report_TestSessionFinish
-    report_CrashedExecution = report_TestSessionFinish
-    def report(self, what):
-        repfun = getattr(self, "report_" + what.__class__.__name__,
-                         self.report_unknown)
-        try:
-            repfun(what)
-        except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
-            raise
-        except:
-            print "Internal reporting problem"
-            excinfo = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-            for i in excinfo.traceback:
-                print str(i)[2:-1]
-            print excinfo
-exported_methods = ExportedMethods()
-class TestHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
-    exported_methods = exported_methods
-    def do_GET(self):
-        path = self.path
-        if path.endswith("/"):
-            path = path[:-1]
-        if path.startswith("/"):
-            path = path[1:]
-        m = re.match('^(.*)\?(.*)$', path)
-        if m:
-            path = m.group(1)
-            getargs = m.group(2)
-        else:
-            getargs = ""
-        name_path = path.replace(".", "_")
-        method_to_call = getattr(self, "run_" + name_path, None)
-        if method_to_call is None:
-            exec_meth = getattr(self.exported_methods, name_path, None)
-            if exec_meth is None:
-                self.send_error(404, "File %s not found" % path)
-            else:
-                try:
-                    self.serve_data('text/json',
-                                json.write(exec_meth(**self.parse_args(getargs))))
-                except socket.error:
-                    # client happily disconnected
-                    exported_methods.failed(**self.parse_args(getargs))
-        else:
-            method_to_call()
-    def parse_args(self, getargs):
-        # parse get argument list
-        if getargs == "":
-            return {}
-        unquote = py.std.urllib.unquote
-        args = {}
-        arg_pairs = getargs.split("&")
-        for arg in arg_pairs:
-            key, value = arg.split("=")
-            args[unquote(key)] = unquote(value)
-        return args
-    def log_message(self, format, *args):
-        # XXX just discard it
-        pass
-    do_POST = do_GET
-    def run_(self):
-        self.run_index()
-    def run_index(self):
-        data = py.path.local(DATADIR).join("index.html").open().read()
-        self.serve_data("text/html", data)
-    def run_jssource(self):
-        js_name = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath("webdata").join("source.js")
-        web_name = py.path.local(__file__).dirpath().join("webjs.py")
-        if IMPORTED_PYPY and web_name.mtime() > js_name.mtime() or \
-            (not js_name.check()):
-            from py.__.test2.rsession import webjs
-            javascript_source = rpython2javascript(webjs,
-                FUNCTION_LIST, use_pdb=False)
-            open(str(js_name), "w").write(javascript_source)
-            self.serve_data("text/javascript", javascript_source)
-        else:
-            js_source = open(str(js_name), "r").read()
-            self.serve_data("text/javascript", js_source)
-    def serve_data(self, content_type, data):
-        self.send_response(200)
-        self.send_header("Content-type", content_type)
-        self.send_header("Content-length", len(data))
-        self.end_headers()
-        self.wfile.write(data)
-class WebReporter(object):
-    """ A simple wrapper, this file needs ton of refactoring
-    anyway, so this is just to satisfy things below
-    (and start to create saner interface as well)
-    """
-    def __init__(self, config, hosts):
-        start_server_from_config(config)
-    def was_failure(self):
-        return sum(exported_methods.fail_reasons.values()) > 0
-    # rebind
-    report = exported_methods.report
-    __call__ = report
-def start_server_from_config(config):
-    if config.option.runbrowser:
-        port = socket.INADDR_ANY
-    else:
-        port = 8000
-    httpd = start_server(server_address = ('', port))
-    port = httpd.server_port
-    if config.option.runbrowser:
-        import webbrowser, thread
-        # webbrowser.open() may block until the browser finishes or not
-        url = "http://localhost:%d" % (port,)
-        thread.start_new_thread(webbrowser.open, (url,))
-    return exported_methods.report
-def start_server(server_address = ('', 8000), handler=TestHandler, start_new=True):
-    httpd = HTTPServer(server_address, handler)
-    if start_new:
-        thread.start_new_thread(httpd.serve_forever, ())
-        print "Server started, listening on port %d" % (httpd.server_port,)
-        return httpd
-    else:
-        print "Server started, listening on port %d" % (httpd.server_port,)
-        httpd.serve_forever()
-def kill_server():
-    exported_methods.pending_events.put(None)
-    while not exported_methods.pending_events.empty():
-        time.sleep(.1)
-    exported_methods.end_event.wait()

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/webjs.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/rsession/webjs.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,355 +0,0 @@
-""" javascript source for py.test2 distributed
-import py
-from py.__.test2.rsession.web import exported_methods
-    from pypy.translator.js.modules import dom
-    from pypy.translator.js.helper import __show_traceback
-except ImportError:
-    py.test2.skip("PyPy not found")
-def create_elem(s):
-    return dom.document.createElement(s)
-def get_elem(el):
-    return dom.document.getElementById(el)
-def create_text_elem(txt):
-    return dom.document.createTextNode(txt)
-tracebacks = {}
-skips = {}
-counters = {}
-max_items = {}
-short_item_names = {}
-MAX_COUNTER = 30 # Maximal size of one-line table
-class Globals(object):
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.pending = []
-        self.host = ""
-        self.data_empty = True
-glob = Globals()
-class Options(object):
-    """ Store global options
-    """
-    def __init__(self):
-        self.scroll = True
-opts = Options()
-def comeback(msglist):
-    if len(msglist) == 0:
-        return
-    for item in glob.pending[:]:
-        if not process(item):
-            return
-    glob.pending = []
-    for msg in msglist:
-        if not process(msg):
-            return
-    exported_methods.show_all_statuses(glob.sessid, comeback)
-def show_info(data="aa"):
-    info = dom.document.getElementById("info")
-    info.style.visibility = "visible"
-    while len(info.childNodes):
-        info.removeChild(info.childNodes[0])
-    txt = create_text_elem(data)
-    info.appendChild(txt)
-    info.style.backgroundColor = "beige"
-    # XXX: Need guido
-def hide_info():
-    info = dom.document.getElementById("info")
-    info.style.visibility = "hidden"
-def show_interrupt():
-    glob.finished = True
-    dom.document.title = "Py.test [interrupted]"
-    dom.document.getElementById("Tests").childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Tests [interrupted]"
-def show_crash():
-    glob.finished = True
-    dom.document.title = "Py.test [crashed]"
-    dom.document.getElementById("Tests").childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Tests [crashed]"
-def opt_scroll():
-    if opts.scroll:
-        opts.scroll = False
-    else:
-        opts.scroll = True
-def scroll_down_if_needed(mbox):
-    if not opts.scroll:
-        return
-    #if dom.window.scrollMaxY - dom.window.scrollY < SCROLL_LINES:
-    mbox.parentNode.scrollIntoView()
-def hide_messagebox():
-    mbox = dom.document.getElementById("messagebox")
-    while mbox.childNodes:
-        mbox.removeChild(mbox.childNodes[0])
-def make_module_box(msg):
-    tr = create_elem("tr")
-    td = create_elem("td")
-    tr.appendChild(td)
-    td.appendChild(create_text_elem("%s[0/%s]" % (msg['itemname'],
-                                                          msg['length'])))
-    max_items[msg['fullitemname']] = int(msg['length'])
-    short_item_names[msg['fullitemname']] = msg['itemname']
-    td.id = '_txt_' + msg['fullitemname']
-    #tr.setAttribute("id", msg['fullitemname'])
-    td.setAttribute("onmouseover",
-    "show_info('%s')" % (msg['fullitemname'],))
-    td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_info()")
-    td2 = create_elem('td')
-    tr.appendChild(td2)
-    table = create_elem("table")
-    td2.appendChild(table)
-    tbody = create_elem('tbody')
-    tbody.id = msg['fullitemname']
-    table.appendChild(tbody)
-    counters[msg['fullitemname']] = 0
-    return tr
-def add_received_item_outcome(msg, module_part):
-    if msg['hostkey']:
-        host_elem = dom.document.getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
-        glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']].pop()
-        count = len(glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']])
-        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[%s]' % (
-            glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']], count)
-    td = create_elem("td")
-    td.setAttribute("onmouseover", "show_info('%s')" % (
-        msg['fullitemname'],))
-    td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_info()")
-    item_name = msg['fullitemname']
-    # TODO: dispatch output
-    if msg["passed"] == 'True':
-        txt = create_text_elem(".")
-        td.appendChild(txt)
-    elif msg["skipped"] != 'None' and msg["skipped"] != "False":
-        exported_methods.show_skip(item_name, skip_come_back)
-        link = create_elem("a")
-        link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_skip('%s')" % (
-                                                msg['fullitemname'],))
-        txt = create_text_elem('s')
-        link.appendChild(txt)
-        td.appendChild(link)
-    else:
-        link = create_elem("a")
-        link.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_traceback('%s')" % (
-                                                msg['fullitemname'],))
-        txt = create_text_elem('F')
-        link.setAttribute('class', 'error') 
-        link.appendChild(txt)
-        td.appendChild(link)
-        exported_methods.show_fail(item_name, fail_come_back)
-    if counters[msg['fullmodulename']] == 0:
-        tr = create_elem("tr")
-        module_part.appendChild(tr)
-    name = msg['fullmodulename']
-    counters[name] += 1
-    counter_part = get_elem('_txt_' + name)
-    newcontent = "%s[%d/%d]" % (short_item_names[name], counters[name],
-        max_items[name])
-    counter_part.childNodes[0].nodeValue = newcontent
-    module_part.childNodes[-1].appendChild(td)
-def process(msg):
-    if len(msg) == 0:
-        return False
-    elem = dom.document.getElementById("testmain")
-    #elem.innerHTML += '%s<br/>' % msg['event']
-    main_t = dom.document.getElementById("main_table")
-    if msg['type'] == 'ItemStart':
-        # we start a new directory or what
-        #if msg['itemtype'] == 'Module':
-        tr = make_module_box(msg)
-        main_t.appendChild(tr)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'SendItem':
-        host_elem = dom.document.getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
-        glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']].insert(0, msg['fullitemname'])
-        count = len(glob.host_pending[msg['hostkey']])
-        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[%s]' % (
-                            glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']], count)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'HostRSyncRootReady':
-        host_elem = dom.document.getElementById(msg['hostkey'])
-        host_elem.style.background = \
-            "#00ff00"
-        host_elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = '%s[0]' % (
-                                    glob.host_dict[msg['hostkey']],)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'ItemFinish':
-        module_part = get_elem(msg['fullmodulename'])
-        if not module_part:
-            glob.pending.append(msg)
-            return True
-        add_received_item_outcome(msg, module_part)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'TestSessionFinish':
-        text = "FINISHED %s run, %s failures, %s skipped" % (msg['run'], msg['fails'], msg['skips'])
-        glob.finished = True
-        dom.document.title = "Py.test %s" % text
-        dom.document.getElementById("Tests").childNodes[0].nodeValue = \
-                                                    "Tests [%s]" % text
-    elif msg['type'] == 'FailedTryiter':
-        module_part = get_elem(msg['fullitemname'])
-        if not module_part:
-            glob.pending.append(msg)
-            return True
-        tr = create_elem("tr")
-        td = create_elem("td")
-        a = create_elem("a")
-        a.setAttribute("href", "javascript:show_traceback('%s')" % (
-                        msg['fullitemname'],))
-        txt = create_text_elem("- FAILED TO LOAD MODULE")
-        a.appendChild(txt)
-        td.appendChild(a)
-        tr.appendChild(td)
-        module_part.appendChild(tr)
-        item_name = msg['fullitemname']
-        exported_methods.show_fail(item_name, fail_come_back)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'DeselectedTest':
-        module_part = get_elem(msg['fullitemname'])
-        if not module_part:
-            glob.pending.append(msg)
-            return True
-        tr = create_elem("tr")
-        td = create_elem("td")
-        txt = create_text_elem("- skipped (%s)" % (msg['reason'],))
-        td.appendChild(txt)
-        tr.appendChild(td)
-        module_part.appendChild(tr)
-    elif msg['type'] == 'RsyncFinished':
-        glob.rsync_done = True
-    elif msg['type'] == 'InterruptedExecution':
-        show_interrupt()
-    elif msg['type'] == 'CrashedExecution':
-        show_crash()
-    if glob.data_empty:
-        mbox = dom.document.getElementById('messagebox')
-        scroll_down_if_needed(mbox)
-    return True
-def show_skip(item_name="aa"):
-    set_msgbox(item_name, skips[item_name])
-def set_msgbox(item_name, data):
-    msgbox = get_elem("messagebox")
-    while len(msgbox.childNodes):
-        msgbox.removeChild(msgbox.childNodes[0])
-    pre = create_elem("pre")
-    txt = create_text_elem(item_name + "\n" + data)
-    pre.appendChild(txt)
-    msgbox.appendChild(pre)
-    dom.window.location.assign("#message")
-    glob.data_empty = False
-def show_traceback(item_name="aa"):
-    data = ("====== Traceback: =========\n%s\n======== Stdout: ========\n%s\n"
-            "========== Stderr: ==========\n%s\n" % tracebacks[item_name])
-    set_msgbox(item_name, data)
-def fail_come_back(msg):
-    tracebacks[msg['item_name']] = (msg['traceback'], msg['stdout'],
-                                    msg['stderr'])
-def skip_come_back(msg):
-    skips[msg['item_name']] = msg['reason']
-def reshow_host():
-    if glob.host == "":
-        return
-    show_host(glob.host)
-def show_host(host_name="aa"):
-    elem = dom.document.getElementById("jobs")
-    if elem.childNodes:
-        elem.removeChild(elem.childNodes[0])
-    tbody = create_elem("tbody")
-    for item in glob.host_pending[host_name]:
-        tr = create_elem("tr")
-        td = create_elem("td")
-        td.appendChild(create_text_elem(item))
-        tr.appendChild(td)
-        tbody.appendChild(tr)
-    elem.appendChild(tbody)
-    elem.style.visibility = "visible"
-    glob.host = host_name
-    dom.setTimeout(reshow_host, 100)
-def hide_host():
-    elem = dom.document.getElementById("jobs")
-    while len(elem.childNodes):
-        elem.removeChild(elem.childNodes[0])
-    elem.style.visibility = "hidden"
-    glob.host = ""
-def update_rsync():
-    if glob.finished:
-        return
-    elem = dom.document.getElementById("Tests")
-    if glob.rsync_done is True:
-        elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Tests"
-        return
-    text = "Rsyncing" + '.' * glob.rsync_dots
-    glob.rsync_dots += 1
-    if glob.rsync_dots > 5:
-        glob.rsync_dots = 0
-    elem.childNodes[0].nodeValue = "Tests [%s]" % text
-    dom.setTimeout(update_rsync, 1000)
-def host_init(host_dict):
-    tbody = dom.document.getElementById("hostsbody")
-    for host in host_dict.keys():
-        tr = create_elem('tr')
-        tbody.appendChild(tr)
-        td = create_elem("td")
-        td.style.background = "#ff0000"
-        txt = create_text_elem(host_dict[host])
-        td.appendChild(txt)
-        td.id = host
-        tr.appendChild(td)
-        td.setAttribute("onmouseover", "show_host('%s')" % host)
-        td.setAttribute("onmouseout", "hide_host()")
-        glob.rsync_dots = 0
-        glob.rsync_done = False
-        dom.setTimeout(update_rsync, 1000)
-    glob.host_dict = host_dict
-    glob.host_pending = {}
-    for key in host_dict.keys():
-        glob.host_pending[key] = []
-def key_pressed(key):
-    if key.charCode == ord('s'):
-        scroll_box = dom.document.getElementById("opt_scroll")
-        if opts.scroll:
-            scroll_box.removeAttribute("checked")
-            opts.scroll = False
-        else:
-            scroll_box.setAttribute("checked", "true")
-            opts.scroll = True
-def sessid_comeback(id):
-    glob.sessid = id
-    exported_methods.show_all_statuses(id, comeback)
-def main():
-    glob.finished = False
-    exported_methods.show_hosts(host_init)
-    exported_methods.show_sessid(sessid_comeback)
-    dom.document.onkeypress = key_pressed
-    dom.document.getElementById("opt_scroll").setAttribute("checked", "True")

Deleted: /py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_reporter.py
--- /py/branch/event/py/test2/testing/test_reporter.py	Sun Feb 17 21:22:21 2008
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-""" reporter tests.
-XXX there are a few disabled reporting tests because
-they test for exact formatting as far as i can see.
-I think it's rather better to directly invoke a
-reporter and pass it some hand-prepared events to see
-that running the reporter doesn't break shallowly. 
-Otherwise, i suppose that some "visual" testing can usually be driven 
-manually by user-input.  And when passing particular events
-to a reporter it's also easier to check for one line
-instead of having to know the order in which things are printed
-import py, os
-py.test.skip("rewrite reporter tests completely, take existing as hints") 
-from py.__.test2.session import AbstractSession, itemgen
-from py.__.test2.reporter import RemoteReporter, LocalReporter, choose_reporter 
-from py.__.test2 import repevent
-from py.__.test2.outcome import ReprOutcome, SerializableOutcome
-from py.__.test2.rsession.hostmanage import HostInfo
-from py.__.test2.box import Box
-from py.__.test2.rsession.testing.basetest import BasicRsessionTest
-import sys
-from StringIO import StringIO
-class MockSession(object):
-    def __init__(self, reporter):
-        self.reporter = reporter
-    def start(self, item):
-        self.reporter(repevent.ItemStart(item))
-    def finish(self, item):
-        pass
-class DummyGateway(object):
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        self.host = host
-class DummyChannel(object):
-    def __init__(self, host):
-        self.gateway = DummyGateway(host)
-class AbstractTestReporter(BasicRsessionTest):
-    def prepare_outcomes(self):
-        # possible outcomes
-        try:
-            1/0
-        except:
-            exc = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-        try:
-            py.test.skip("xxx")
-        except:
-            skipexc = py.code.ExceptionInfo()
-        outcomes = [SerializableOutcome(()), 
-            SerializableOutcome(skipped=skipexc),
-            SerializableOutcome(excinfo=exc),
-            SerializableOutcome()]
-        outcomes = [ReprOutcome(outcome.make_repr()) for outcome in outcomes]
-        outcomes[3].signal = 11
-        outcomes[0].passed = False
-        return outcomes
-    def report_received_item_outcome(self):
-        item = self.getexample("pass")
-        outcomes = self.prepare_outcomes()
-        def boxfun(config, item, outcomes):
-            hosts = self.get_hosts()
-            r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-            if hosts:
-                ch = DummyChannel(hosts[0])
-            else:
-                ch = None
-            for outcome in outcomes:
-                r.report(repevent.ItemFinish(ch, item, outcome))
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        boxfun(self.config, item, outcomes)
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        return out
-    def _test_module(self):
-        funcitem = self.getexample("pass")
-        moditem = self.getmod()
-        outcomes = self.prepare_outcomes()
-        def boxfun(config, item, funcitem, outcomes):
-            hosts = self.get_hosts()
-            r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-            r.report(repevent.ItemStart(item))
-            if hosts:
-                ch = DummyChannel(hosts[0])
-            else:
-                ch = None
-            for outcome in outcomes:
-                r.report(repevent.ItemFinish(ch, funcitem, outcome))
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        boxfun(self.config, moditem, funcitem, outcomes)
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        return out
-    def _test_full_module(self):
-        tmpdir = py.test2.ensuretemp("repmod")
-        tmpdir.ensure("__init__.py")
-        tmpdir.ensure("test_one.py").write(py.code.Source("""
-        def test_x():
-            pass
-        """))
-        tmpdir.ensure("test_two.py").write(py.code.Source("""
-        import py
-        py.test.skip("reason")
-        """))
-        tmpdir.ensure("test_three.py").write(py.code.Source("""
-        sadsadsa
-        """))
-        def boxfun():
-            config = py.test2.config._reparse([str(tmpdir)])
-            rootcol = py.test2.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
-            hosts = self.get_hosts()
-            r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-            list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        boxfun()
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        return out
-    def test_failed_to_load(self):
-        tmpdir = py.test2.ensuretemp("failedtoload")
-        tmpdir.ensure("__init__.py")
-        tmpdir.ensure("test_three.py").write(py.code.Source("""
-        sadsadsa
-        """))
-        def boxfun():
-            config = py.test2.config._reparse([str(tmpdir)])
-            rootcol = py.test2.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
-            hosts = self.get_hosts()
-            r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-            r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, ["a"]))
-            r.report(repevent.RsyncFinished())
-            list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
-            r.report(repevent.TestSessionFinish())
-            return r
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        r = boxfun()
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        assert out.find("1 failed in") != -1
-        assert out.find("NameError: name 'sadsadsa' is not defined") != -1
-    def _test_verbose(self):
-        tmpdir = py.test2.ensuretemp("reporterverbose")
-        tmpdir.ensure("__init__.py")
-        tmpdir.ensure("test_one.py").write("def test_x(): pass")
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse([str(tmpdir), '-v'])
-        hosts = self.get_hosts()
-        r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-        r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, []))
-        r.report(repevent.RsyncFinished())
-        rootcol = py.test2.collect.Directory(tmpdir)
-        list(itemgen(MockSession(r), [rootcol], r.report))
-        r.report(repevent.TestSessionFinish())
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        for i in ['+ testmodule:', 'test_one.py[1]']: # XXX finish
-            assert i in out
-    def _test_still_to_go(self):
-        tmpdir = py.test2.ensuretemp("stilltogo")
-        tmpdir.ensure("__init__.py")
-        cap = py.io.StdCaptureFD()
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse([str(tmpdir)])
-        hosts = [HostInfo(i) for i in ["host1", "host2", "host3"]]
-        for host in hosts:
-            host.gw_remotepath = ''
-        r = self.reporter(config, hosts)
-        r.report(repevent.TestStarted(hosts, config, ["a", "b", "c"]))
-        for host in hosts:
-            r.report(repevent.HostGatewayReady(host, ["a", "b", "c"]))
-        for host in hosts:
-            for root in ["a", "b", "c"]:
-                r.report(repevent.HostRSyncRootReady(host, root))
-        out, err = cap.reset()
-        assert not err
-        expected1 = "Test started, hosts: host1[0], host2[0], host3[0]"
-        assert out.find(expected1) != -1
-        for expected in py.code.Source("""
-            host1[0]: READY (still 2 to go)
-            host2[0]: READY (still 1 to go)
-            host3[0]: READY
-        """).lines:
-            expected = expected.strip()
-            assert out.find(expected) != -1
-class TestLocalReporter(AbstractTestReporter):
-    reporter = LocalReporter
-    def get_hosts(self):
-        return None
-    def test_report_received_item_outcome(self):
-        assert self.report_received_item_outcome() == 'FsF.'
-    def test_verbose(self):
-        self._test_verbose()
-    def test_module(self):
-        output = self._test_module()
-        assert output.find("test_one") != -1
-        assert output.endswith("FsF."), output
-    def test_full_module(self):
-        py.test.skip("fix exact output matching test")
-        received = self._test_full_module()
-        expected_lst = ["repmod/test_one.py", "FAILED TO LOAD MODULE",
-                        "skipped", "reason"]
-        for i in expected_lst:
-            assert received.find(i) != -1
-class TestRemoteReporter(AbstractTestReporter):
-    reporter = RemoteReporter
-    def get_hosts(self):
-        return [HostInfo("host")]
-    def test_still_to_go(self):
-        self._test_still_to_go()
-    def test_report_received_item_outcome(self):
-        val = self.report_received_item_outcome()
-        expected_lst = ["host", "FAILED",
-                        "funcpass", "test_one",
-                        "SKIPPED",
-                        "PASSED"]
-        for expected in expected_lst:
-            assert val.find(expected) != -1
-    def test_module(self):
-        val = self._test_module()
-        expected_lst = ["host", "FAILED",
-                        "funcpass", "test_one",
-                        "SKIPPED",
-                        "PASSED"]
-        for expected in expected_lst:
-            assert val.find(expected) != -1
-    def test_full_module(self):
-        py.test.skip("fix exact output matching test")
-        val = self._test_full_module()
-        assert val.find("FAILED TO LOAD MODULE: repmod/test_three.py\n"\
-        "\nSkipped ('reason') repmod/test_two.py") != -1
-def test_reporter_choice():
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.web import WebReporter
-    from py.__.test2.rsession.rest import RestReporter
-    choices = [
-        (['-d', '--rest'], RestReporter),
-        (['-w'], WebReporter),
-        (['-r'], WebReporter)]
-    for opts, reporter in choices:
-        config = py.test2.config._reparse(['xxx'] + opts)
-        assert choose_reporter(None, config) is reporter

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