[py-svn] r57707 - in py/trunk/py/doc: . future

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Mon Sep 1 10:37:20 CEST 2008

Author: hpk
Date: Mon Sep  1 10:37:17 2008
New Revision: 57707

review todo.txt and future/* items, merge into one TODO.txt file. 

Modified: py/trunk/py/doc/TODO.txt
--- py/trunk/py/doc/TODO.txt	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/doc/TODO.txt	Mon Sep  1 10:37:17 2008
@@ -4,26 +4,27 @@
-- BUG: write test/fix --showlocals (not showing anything)  
+- simplify collect API
+- get APIGEN back to work 
+- get web reporter back to work 
+- introduce decorator "shouldfail" or "xfail" 
+  as to mark a test as "expected to fail", 
+  report specially if it surprisingly passes 
+- nightly test runs on multiple platforms 
 - review and refactor architecture of py.test with particular
   respect to: 
-  - allow custom reporting 
   - writing (stacked) extensions / plugins (compared to Nose) 
-  - event naming and processing 
   - porting existing extensions (htmlconftest / buildbot / PyPy's conftest's ...) 
   - fast and stable distributed testing 
   - reliable cross-platform testing 
-- fix reporting/usage degradation after reporter-merge merge: 
-  - collapse skips with same reason and lineno into one line 
-- fix and investigate win32 failures 
-- (needs review) adjust py.test documentation to reflect new
-  collector/session architecture 
-- document py.test's conftest.py approach
+- improve py.test documentation to reflect new
+  event architecture 
 - review and optimize skip-handling (it can be quite slow in
   certain situations because e.g. setup/teardown is fully performed 
@@ -40,8 +41,11 @@
-- refactor to produce intermediate data/files capturing 
-  info of test runs 
+- make it work again 
+- py.apigen tool -> separate runtime-data collection and 
+  web page generation.  (see M750), provide "py.apigen" tool
 - refactor html renderer to work on intermediate 
   data/files rather than on the live data
@@ -55,12 +59,6 @@
-- session / collection unification (particularly tryiter and buildname2items) 
-- reporting unification, i.e. use dist-testing Reporter class
-  also for "normal" session, consider introduction of tkinter 
-  session (M978)
 - refine doctests usage (particularly skips of doctests if
   some imports/conditions are not satisfied) 
@@ -74,22 +72,17 @@
 - unification of "gateway"/host setup and teardown, including
   rsyncing, i.e. cross-platform and dist-testing. 
-- py.apigen tool -> separate runtime-data collection and 
-  web page generation.  (see M750), provide "py.apigen" tool
-  for generating API documentation 
 - py.log: unify API, possibly deprecate duplicate ones, 
   base things on a Config object  (hte latter almost a feature though) 
-- consider setup/teardown for generative tests (M826)
-- fix teardown problems regarding when teardown is done (should be done
-  after test run, not before the next one)
+- see to teardown more eagerly
+- (Harald Armin Massa): make py.exe work with py lib 
+- optimize file checking with --looponfailing (harald has code for win32)
 - have a py.test scan/run database for results and test names
   etc. (to allow quicker selection of tests and post-run 
   information on failures etc.)  (M760) 
@@ -111,467 +104,10 @@
 - review svn-testing (and escape characters), consider
   svn-bindings (M634)
+- py.test.pdb - there is my hack for a while now, which integrates
+  rlcompleter2 with pdb. First of all it requires some strange changes
+  to rlcompleter itself, which has no tests. Long-term plan would be
+  to have pyrepl+rlcompleter2+pdb fixes integrated into pylib and
+  have it tested. This requires work though.
-* debian and TAR/zip packages for py lib, 
-  particularly look into C module issues (greenlet most importantly) 
-* do something about c-extensions both on unix-ish 
-  versus win32 systems 
-* ensure compatibility with Python 2.3 - 2.5, 
-  see what is missing for 2.2 
-* optional: support setuptools (eggs?) installs, and instally
-  from pypi (and register pylib there) 
-* (DONE/c-modules don't) see if things work on Win32 (partially done) 
-* (partly DONE) refine and implement releasescheme/download
-APIGEN / source viewer
-* (DONE, XXX functions/methods?) integrate rest directive into 
-  py/documentation/conftest.py 
-  with help code from py.__.rest.directive.... 
-  make sure that the txt files in py/documentation/ use it
-* these should all work on 1.0 and on the py lib and pypy:
-    - running "py.test -s" 
-    - running "py.test --pdb" 
-    - running "py.test --looponfailing" 
-    - running "py.test" distributed on some hosts
-  (guido tested all on win32, everything works except --dist (requires
-  os.fork to work))
-code quality
-* no function implementation longer than 30 lines 
-* no lines longer than 80 characters 
-* review the pylib issue tracker
-  (cfbolz: done: what has a 1.0.0 tag (or lower) should be looked at again)
-* (postponed, likely) py.test fails to parse strangely formatted code after assertion failure
-Missing docstrings
-    code.Traceback.recursionindex misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.filter misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.cut misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.__getitem__ misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry.ishidden misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry.getfirstlinesource misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry.__str__ misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    code.Traceback.Entry.__init__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.getblockend misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__str__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__len__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__init__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__getslice__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__getitem__ misses a docstring
-    code.Source.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.repr misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.is_true misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.getargs misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.exec_ misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.eval misses a docstring
-    code.Frame.__init__ misses a docstring
-    code.ExceptionInfo.exconly misses a docstring
-    code.ExceptionInfo.errisinstance misses a docstring
-    code.ExceptionInfo.__str__ misses a docstring
-    code.ExceptionInfo.__init__ misses a docstring
-    code.Code misses a docstring
-    code.Code.source misses a docstring
-    code.Code.getargs misses a docstring
-    code.Code.__init__ misses a docstring
-    code.Code.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.join misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.exit misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.__init__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.write misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.setwritefunc misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.setdefaultwriter misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.resetdefault misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.isatty misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.flush misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.delwritefunc misses a docstring
-    execnet.SshGateway.ThreadOut.deinstall misses a docstring
-    execnet.SocketGateway misses a docstring
-    execnet.SocketGateway.join misses a docstring
-    execnet.SocketGateway.exit misses a docstring
-    execnet.SocketGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.SocketGateway.__init__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway.remote_bootstrap_gateway misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway.join misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway.exit misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    execnet.PopenGateway.__init__ misses a docstring
-    initpkg misses a docstring
-    log.setconsumer misses a docstring
-    log.get misses a docstring
-    log.Syslog misses a docstring
-    log.STDOUT misses a docstring
-    log.STDERR misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.set_consumer misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.get_consumer misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.__init__ misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.__getattr__ misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.__call__ misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.Message misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.Message.prefix misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.Message.content misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.Message.__str__ misses a docstring
-    log.Producer.Message.__init__ misses a docstring
-    log.Path misses a docstring
-    log.Path.__init__ misses a docstring
-    log.Path.__call__ misses a docstring
-    magic.View.__viewkey__ misses a docstring
-    magic.View.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    magic.View.__new__ misses a docstring
-    magic.View.__matchkey__ misses a docstring
-    magic.View.__getattr__ misses a docstring
-    magic.AssertionError misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.visit misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.mkdir misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.dump misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.check misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.add misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__str__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__new__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__iter__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__div__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__contains__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.__add__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnwc.Checkers misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.visit misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.check misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__new__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__iter__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__div__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__contains__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.__add__ misses a docstring
-    path.svnurl.Checkers misses a docstring
-    path.local.visit misses a docstring
-    path.local.sysexec has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    path.local.check misses a docstring
-    path.local.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__iter__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__div__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__contains__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.__add__ misses a docstring
-    path.local.Checkers misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.summary misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.skips misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.repr_traceback misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.repr_source misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.repr_signal misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.repr_failure misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_unknown misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_TestStarted misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_TestFinished misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_SkippedTryiter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_SendItem misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_RsyncFinished misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_ReceivedItemOutcome misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_Nodes misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_ItemStart misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_ImmediateFailure misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_HostReady misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_HostRSyncing misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report_FailedTryiter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.report misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.print_summary misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.prepare_source misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.hangs misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.get_rootpath misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.get_path_from_item misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.get_linkwriter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.get_item_name misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.get_host misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.failures misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.add_rest misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RestReporter.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RelLinkWriter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.RelLinkWriter.get_link misses a docstring
-    test.rest.NoLinkWriter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.NoLinkWriter.get_link misses a docstring
-    test.rest.LinkWriter misses a docstring
-    test.rest.LinkWriter.get_link misses a docstring
-    test.rest.LinkWriter.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.exit misses a docstring
-    test.deprecated_call misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Module.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.makeitem misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.funcnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.classnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.Skipped misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.Passed misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.Outcome misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.Failed misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Module.ExceptionFailure misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.makeitem misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.funcnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.classnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Instance.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.getcallargs misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Generator.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.makeitem misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.funcnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.classnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.DoctestFile.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.recfilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.makeitem misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.filefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Directory.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Collector.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.collect.Class.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.setup misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.run misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.makeitem misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.join misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.funcnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.classnamefilter misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.collect.Class.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.cmdline.main misses a docstring
-    test.Item misses a docstring
-    test.Item.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.Item.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.Item.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.Item.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.Item.setup misses a docstring
-    test.Item.run misses a docstring
-    test.Item.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.Item.join misses a docstring
-    test.Item.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.Item.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.Item.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.Item.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.Item.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.Item.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.Item.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.Item.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.tryiter has an 'XXX' in its docstring
-    test.Function.teardown misses a docstring
-    test.Function.startcapture misses a docstring
-    test.Function.skipbykeyword misses a docstring
-    test.Function.setup misses a docstring
-    test.Function.run misses a docstring
-    test.Function.listnames misses a docstring
-    test.Function.join misses a docstring
-    test.Function.haskeyword misses a docstring
-    test.Function.getsortvalue misses a docstring
-    test.Function.getpathlineno misses a docstring
-    test.Function.getouterr misses a docstring
-    test.Function.getitembynames misses a docstring
-    test.Function.finishcapture misses a docstring
-    test.Function.buildname2items misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__ne__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__init__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__hash__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__eq__ misses a docstring
-    test.Function.__cmp__ misses a docstring
-    test.Config.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.raw.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.unicode misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.__unicode__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.Attr misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__tagclass__.Attr.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__metaclass__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.__metaclass__.__getattr__ misses a docstring
-    xml.html.Style misses a docstring
-    xml.html.Style.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.escape misses a docstring
-    xml.Tag misses a docstring
-    xml.Tag.unicode misses a docstring
-    xml.Tag.__unicode__ misses a docstring
-    xml.Tag.__repr__ misses a docstring
-    xml.Tag.__init__ misses a docstring
-    xml.Namespace misses a docstring

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