[py-svn] r63147 - in py/trunk/py: . execnet execnet/testing

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 CET 2009

Author: hpk
Date: Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
New Revision: 63147

get rid of old method for specifying remote execution places. 

Modified: py/trunk/py/__init__.py
--- py/trunk/py/__init__.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/__init__.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -151,7 +151,6 @@
     'execnet.SocketGateway'  : ('./execnet/register.py', 'SocketGateway'),
     'execnet.PopenGateway'   : ('./execnet/register.py', 'PopenGateway'),
     'execnet.SshGateway'     : ('./execnet/register.py', 'SshGateway'),
-    'execnet.GatewaySpec'    : ('./execnet/gwmanage.py', 'GatewaySpec'),
     'execnet.XSpec'          : ('./execnet/xspec.py', 'XSpec'),
     'execnet.makegateway'    : ('./execnet/xspec.py', 'makegateway'),
     'execnet.MultiGateway'   : ('./execnet/multi.py', 'MultiGateway'),

Modified: py/trunk/py/conftest.py
--- py/trunk/py/conftest.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/conftest.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -37,9 +37,11 @@
             if not py.path.local.sysfind("ssh"):
                 py.test.skip("command not found: ssh")
             return spec
+    py.test.skip("need '--gx ssh=...'")
 def getsocketspec(config=None):
     xspecs = getgspecs(config)
     for spec in xspecs:
         if spec.socket:
             return spec
+    py.test.skip("need '--gx socket=...'")

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/gwmanage.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/gwmanage.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/gwmanage.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -1,105 +1,19 @@
     instantiating, managing and rsyncing to hosts
-Host specification strings and implied gateways:
-    socket:hostname:port:path SocketGateway
-    popen[-executable][:path]          PopenGateway
-    [ssh:]spec:path           SshGateway
-    * [SshGateway]
-on hostspec.makeconnection() a Host object
-will be created which has an instantiated gateway. 
-the remote side will be chdir()ed to the specified path. 
-if no path was specified, do no chdir() at all. 
 import py
 import sys, os
-from py.__.test.dsession.masterslave import MasterNode
-from py.__.test import event
 from py.__.execnet.channel import RemoteError
-class GatewaySpec(object):
-    python = None
-    def __init__(self, spec, defaultjoinpath="pyexecnetcache"):
-        self._spec = spec
-        if spec == "popen" or spec.startswith("popen:"):
-            parts = spec.split(":", 2)
-            self.type = self.address = parts.pop(0)
-            if parts:
-                python = parts.pop(0)
-                # XXX XXX XXX do better GWSPEC that can deal
-                # with "C:" 
-                if py.std.sys.platform == "win32" and len(python) == 1:
-                    python = "%s:%s" %(python, parts.pop(0))
-                self.python = python
-            if parts:
-                self.joinpath = parts.pop(0)
-            else:
-                self.joinpath = ""
-            if not self.python:
-                self.python = py.std.sys.executable
-        elif spec.startswith("socket:"):
-            parts = spec[7:].split(":", 2)
-            self.address = parts.pop(0)
-            if parts:
-                port = int(parts.pop(0))
-                self.address = self.address, port
-            self.joinpath = parts and parts.pop(0) or ""
-            self.type = "socket"
-        else:
-            if spec.startswith("ssh:"):
-                spec = spec[4:]
-            parts = spec.split(":", 2)
-            self.address = parts.pop(0)
-            self.python = parts and parts.pop(0) or "python"
-            self.joinpath = parts and parts.pop(0) or ""
-            self.type = "ssh"
-        if not self.joinpath and not self.inplacelocal():
-            self.joinpath = defaultjoinpath
-    def inplacelocal(self):
-        return bool(self.type == "popen" and not self.joinpath)
-    def __str__(self):
-        return "<GatewaySpec %s>" % self._spec
-    __repr__ = __str__
-    def makegateway(self, waitclose=True):
-        if self.type == "popen":
-            gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway(python=self.python)
-        elif self.type == "socket":
-            gw = py.execnet.SocketGateway(*self.address)
-        elif self.type == "ssh":
-            gw = py.execnet.SshGateway(self.address, remotepython=self.python)
-        if self.joinpath:
-            channel = gw.remote_exec("""
-                import os 
-                path = %r
-                try:
-                    os.chdir(path)
-                except OSError:
-                    os.mkdir(path)
-                    os.chdir(path)
-            """ % self.joinpath)
-            if waitclose:
-                channel.waitclose()
-        else:
-            if waitclose:
-                gw.remote_exec("").waitclose()
-        gw.spec = self
-        return gw 
 class GatewayManager:
     RemoteError = RemoteError
     def __init__(self, specs):
-        self.specs = [GatewaySpec(spec) for spec in specs]
+        self.specs = [py.execnet.XSpec(spec) for spec in specs]
         self.gateways = []
     def trace(self, msg):
@@ -111,7 +25,7 @@
     def makegateways(self):
         assert not self.gateways
         for spec in self.specs:
-            gw = spec.makegateway()
+            gw = py.execnet.makegateway(spec)
             gw.id = "[%s]" % len(self.gateways)
             self.notify("gwmanage_newgateway", gw)
@@ -121,7 +35,7 @@
         l = []
         for gw in self.gateways:
-            if gw.spec.inplacelocal():
+            if gw.spec._samefilesystem():
                 if inplacelocal:
@@ -150,15 +64,14 @@
         seen = {}
         for gateway in self.gateways:
             spec = gateway.spec
-            if not spec.inplacelocal():
-                key = spec.type, spec.address, spec.joinpath
-                if key in seen:
+            if not spec._samefilesystem():
+                if spec in seen:
                 def finished():
                     if notify:
                         notify("rsyncrootready", spec, source)
                 rsync.add_target_host(gateway, finished=finished)
-                seen[key] = gateway
+                seen[spec] = gateway
         if seen:
             self.notify("gwmanage_rsyncstart", source=source, gateways=seen.values())
@@ -203,5 +116,5 @@
     def _report_send_file(self, gateway, modified_rel_path):
         if self._verbose:
             path = os.path.basename(self._sourcedir) + "/" + modified_rel_path
-            remotepath = gateway.spec.joinpath
+            remotepath = gateway.spec.chdir
             print '%s:%s <= %s' % (gateway.remoteaddress, remotepath, path)

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwmanage.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@
         assert not len(hm.gateways) 
     def test_hostmanager_rsync_popen_with_path(self, source, dest):
-        hm = GatewayManager(["popen::%s" %dest] * 1)
+        hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" %dest] * 1)
         source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello")
         l = []
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         assert dest.join("dir1", "dir2", 'hello').check()
     def test_hostmanage_rsync_same_popen_twice(self, source, dest, eventrecorder):
-        hm = GatewayManager(["popen::%s" %dest] * 2)
+        hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=%s" %dest] * 2)
         source.ensure("dir1", "dir2", "hello")
@@ -65,7 +65,7 @@
     def test_multi_chdir_popen_with_path(self, testdir):
         import os
-        hm = GatewayManager(["popen::hello"] * 2)
+        hm = GatewayManager(["popen//chdir=hello"] * 2)
         hellopath = testdir.tmpdir.mkdir("hello")
@@ -122,8 +122,7 @@
         assert 'somedir' in basenames
     def test_hrsync_one_host(self, source, dest):
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("popen::%s" % dest)
-        gw = spec.makegateway()
+        gw = py.execnet.makegateway("popen//chdir=%s" % dest)
         finished = []
         rsync = HostRSync(source)
         rsync.add_target_host(gw, finished=lambda: finished.append(1))

Deleted: /py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwspec.py
--- /py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_gwspec.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-    tests for py.execnet.GatewaySpec
-import py
-class TestGatewaySpec:
-    """
-    socket:hostname:port:path SocketGateway
-    popen[-executable][:path] PopenGateway
-    [ssh:]spec:path           SshGateway
-    * [SshGateway]
-    """
-    def test_popen(self):
-        for python in ('', 'python2.4'):
-            for joinpath in ('', 'abc', 'ab:cd', '/x/y'):
-                s = ":".join(["popen", python, joinpath])
-                print s
-                spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec(s)
-                assert spec.address == "popen"
-                assert spec.python == (python or py.std.sys.executable)
-                assert spec.joinpath == joinpath
-                assert spec.type == "popen"
-                spec2 = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("popen" + joinpath)
-                self._equality(spec, spec2)
-    def test_ssh(self):
-        for prefix in ('ssh', ''): # ssh is default
-            for hostpart in ('x.y', 'xyz at x.y'):
-                for python in ('python', 'python2.5'):
-                    for joinpath in ('', 'abc', 'ab:cd', '/tmp'):
-                        specstring = ":".join([prefix, hostpart, python, joinpath])
-                        if specstring[0] == ":":
-                            specstring = specstring[1:]
-                        print specstring
-                        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec(specstring)
-                        assert spec.address == hostpart 
-                        assert spec.python == python
-                        if joinpath:
-                            assert spec.joinpath == joinpath
-                        else:
-                            assert spec.joinpath == "pyexecnetcache"
-                        assert spec.type == "ssh"
-                        spec2 = py.execnet.GatewaySpec(specstring)
-                        self._equality(spec, spec2) 
-    def test_socket(self):
-        for hostpart in ('x.y', 'x', 'popen'):
-            for port in ":80", ":1000":
-                for joinpath in ('', ':abc', ':abc:de'):
-                    spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("socket:" + hostpart + port + joinpath)
-                    assert spec.address == (hostpart, int(port[1:]))
-                    if joinpath[1:]:
-                        assert spec.joinpath == joinpath[1:]
-                    else:
-                        assert spec.joinpath == "pyexecnetcache"
-                    assert spec.type == "socket"
-                    spec2 = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("socket:" + hostpart + port + joinpath)
-                    self._equality(spec, spec2) 
-    def _equality(self, spec1, spec2):
-        assert spec1 != spec2
-        assert hash(spec1) != hash(spec2)
-        assert not (spec1 == spec2)
-class TestGatewaySpecAPI:
-    def test_popen_nopath_makegateway(self, testdir):
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("popen")
-        gw = spec.makegateway()
-        p = gw.remote_exec("import os; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
-        curdir = py.std.os.getcwd()
-        assert curdir == p
-        gw.exit()
-    def test_popen_makegateway(self, testdir):
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("popen::" + str(testdir.tmpdir))
-        gw = spec.makegateway()
-        p = gw.remote_exec("import os; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
-        assert spec.joinpath == p
-        gw.exit()
-    def test_popen_makegateway_python(self, testdir):
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("popen:%s" % py.std.sys.executable)
-        gw = spec.makegateway()
-        res = gw.remote_exec("import sys ; channel.send(sys.executable)").receive()
-        assert py.std.sys.executable == py.std.sys.executable
-        gw.exit()
-    def test_ssh(self, specssh):
-        sshhost = specssh.ssh
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("ssh:" + sshhost)
-        gw = spec.makegateway()
-        p = gw.remote_exec("import os ; channel.send(os.getcwd())").receive()
-        gw.exit()
-    @py.test.mark.xfail("implement socketserver test scenario")
-    def test_socketgateway(self):
-        gw = py.execnet.PopenGateway()
-        spec = py.execnet.GatewaySpec("ssh:" + sshhost)

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_xspec.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_xspec.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/testing/test_xspec.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -4,23 +4,23 @@
 class TestXSpec:
     def test_attributes(self):
-        spec = XSpec("socket=\hello")
+        spec = XSpec("socket=\hello")
         assert spec.socket == ""
         assert spec.python == "c:/this/python2.5" 
-        assert spec.path == "d:\hello"
-        assert spec.xyz is None
+        assert spec.chdir == "d:\hello"
+        assert not hasattr(spec, 'xyz')
         py.test.raises(AttributeError, "spec._hello")
         spec = XSpec("socket=")
         assert spec.socket == ""
         assert spec.python == "python2.5"
-        assert spec.path is None
+        assert spec.chdir is None
-        spec = XSpec("ssh=user at host//path=/hello/this//python=/usr/bin/python2.5")
+        spec = XSpec("ssh=user at host//chdir=/hello/this//python=/usr/bin/python2.5")
         assert spec.ssh == "user at host"
         assert spec.python == "/usr/bin/python2.5"
-        assert spec.path == "/hello/this"
+        assert spec.chdir == "/hello/this"
         spec = XSpec("popen")
         assert spec.popen == True
@@ -28,7 +28,17 @@
     def test__samefilesystem(self):
         assert XSpec("popen")._samefilesystem()
         assert XSpec("popen//python=123")._samefilesystem()
-        assert not XSpec("popen//path=hello")._samefilesystem()
+        assert not XSpec("popen//chdir=hello")._samefilesystem()
+    def test__spec_spec(self):
+        for x in ("popen", "popen//python=this"):
+            assert XSpec(x)._spec == x
+    def test_hash_equality(self):
+        assert XSpec("popen") == XSpec("popen")
+        assert hash(XSpec("popen")) == hash(XSpec("popen"))
+        assert XSpec("popen//python=123") != XSpec("popen")
+        assert hash(XSpec("socket=hello:8080")) != hash(XSpec("popen"))
 class TestMakegateway:
     def test_popen(self):

Modified: py/trunk/py/execnet/xspec.py
--- py/trunk/py/execnet/xspec.py	(original)
+++ py/trunk/py/execnet/xspec.py	Fri Mar 20 17:28:14 2009
@@ -9,22 +9,36 @@
         * keys are not allowed to start with underscore 
         * if no "=value" is given, assume a boolean True value 
-    def __init__(self, *strings):
-        for string in strings:
-            for keyvalue in string.split("//"):
-                i = keyvalue.find("=")
-                if i == -1:
-                    setattr(self, keyvalue, True)
-                else:
-                    setattr(self, keyvalue[:i], keyvalue[i+1:])
+    # XXX for now we are very restrictive about actually allowed key-values 
+    popen = ssh = socket = python = chdir = None
-    def __getattr__(self, name):
-        if name[0] == "_":
-            raise AttributeError(name) 
-        return None
+    def __init__(self, string):
+        self._spec = string
+        for keyvalue in string.split("//"):
+            i = keyvalue.find("=")
+            if i == -1:
+                key, value = keyvalue, True
+            else:
+                key, value = keyvalue[:i], keyvalue[i+1:]
+            # XXX be restrictive for now
+            if key not in XSpec.__dict__:
+                raise AttributeError("%r not a valid attribute" % key)
+            setattr(self, key, value)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        return hash(self._spec)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        return self._spec == getattr(other, '_spec', None)
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        return self._spec != getattr(other, '_spec', None)
+    #def __getattr__(self, name):
+    #    if name[0] == "_":
+    #        raise AttributeError(name) 
+    #    return None
     def _samefilesystem(self):
-        return bool(self.popen and not self.path)
+        return bool(self.popen and not self.chdir)
 def makegateway(spec):
     if not isinstance(spec, XSpec):

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